We’re looking forward to this school year and hope that you will join us on ParentSquare to stay up to date with the latest OJHS news and information.
Warm regards,
Joe Schmidt
Vision Statement
Orcutt Junior High School, which stands at the doorstep of America’s West Coast aerospace launch site, will serve as an educational launch pad for our students; one that will prepare them well for their voyage to high school and beyond. Orcutt Junior High School will provide a stimulating, rewarding, and safe environment for all students to gain a sincere appreciation for life-long learning, as well as developing academic, social, and personal responsibility skills needed by all members of our society.
School-Wide Goal
The goal of education at Orcutt Junior High School is teaching and learning about self-realization, human relationships, self-sufficiency, and civic responsibility while facilitating a smooth transition from elementary school into high school. You should feel confident in the fact that your student will move from an elementary environment into a welcoming and friendly seventh grade; then through articulation and preparation in eighth grade, students will feel prepared and comfortable about moving into the departmentalized high school environment.