
Federal Programs Private Schools

Equitable Services for Non-Public Schools

Sections 1117 and 8501 of the ESEA, as amended by the ESSA, require local educational agencies (LEAs) to provide eligible children in non-profit private schools, their teachers, and families with services equal to those for public school counterparts.Consultation with private school officials is critical. It ensures eligible private school students can participate equally in programs. Essential Aspects of Consultation include:

●  Timely and meaningful discussions between public and private school officials.
●  Giving all parties a chance to express views and to have those views considered.
●  Reaching an agreement on providing effective and equitable programs.

Title I, Part A - Improving the Academic Achievement of At-Risk Students

Title I

This federal program provides additional funds to schools with a high percentage of low-income families. The goals are to provide an equitable, high-quality education for all children and to close educational achievement gaps.


These funds provide instructional supports, professional development for the teachers of participating students and parental involvement activities for the parents of participating children. Title I funds are only to be used with children and families that reside in Title I public school attendance areas and are identified as low achieving on the basis of multiple educationally related and objective criteria. 


Catapult Learning provides Title services to OCPS private schools who elect to receive Title I, Part A funds.

Title I Information

Title II, Part A - Preparing, Training and Recruiting High Quality Teachers and Principals

Title II

This federal program allocates funds to schools to prepare, train and recruit high quality teachers and principals.

These funds are used to benefit all students. The aim is to:

  • Increase student achievement consistent with challenging State academic standards
  • Improve the quality and effectiveness of teachers, principals and other school leaders
  • Increase the number of teachers, principals, and other school leaders who are effective in improving student academic achievement in schools
  •  Provide low-income and minority students greater access to effective teachers, principals and other school leaders 

Title II Information 
Authorized Use of funds

Title IV: Student Support and Academic Enrichment Program

Title IV

This federal program allocates funds to improve student academic achievement by developing services and activities that are geared toward providing all students an enriched educational experience.

The aim is to:

  • Provide all students with access to a well-rounded education
  • Improve school conditions for student learning to support the safe and healthy student, and improve the use of technology in order to advance digital literacy of all students

Title IV Information

FLDOE Guidance: Equitable Services


2024-25 Consultation Meetings

Meeting Resources

Recordings and slides of consultation meetings will be posted in this section as they become available.


Consultation Timeline
Click HERE for access to the Consultation Timeline

August 2024 Informational Meeting
Slide Deck

September 2024 Consultation Meeting
Slide Deck
Affirmation Survey

October 2024 Consultation Meeting
Slide Deck

November 2024 Consultation Meeting
Slide Deck
Affirmation Survey

2024-25 Calendar

Meetings and due dates are include in this 2024-2025 Calendar

2024-25 Newsletters

Announcements and Reminders

Click HERE for Private School Announcements


Title II

Guidelines for Title II Allocations

Title II allocations are used to prepare, recruit and train high quality teachers and principals to benefit all students What can we do to prepare, recruit and train high quality teachers and principals?

1. Local and national academic standards-based conferences and workshops
2. Onsite professional learning
3. Implement a book study
4. Take courses through colleges and universities- including Valencia

All requests to use Title II funds must be PRE-APPROVED. Complete this survey to request Title  II funding please submit requests at least 6 weeks prior to requested event.

Conference Requests

In- state:

•  Local mileage is not reimbursed. If the conference is outside of the tri-county area, mileage will be reimbursed from the school. Please carpool as available.
•  Hotels for in-state conferences may be requested for travel over XXXX miles
•  Meals are paid per-diem for out of county with hotel stays.

•  Registration, hotel and airfare will be booked by OCPS. An out of state travel request form will be provided to the      traveler prior to booking hotel or airfare.
•  Meals are paid per-diem for out of state conferences if not included in registration
•  Transportation to/from airport to the hotel will be reimbursed (tips are not covered).

Conferences that are religious in nature require approval and are only reimbursed at a certain percentage. These conferences are not paid for up front by OCPS. Reimbursements only.

On-site Professional Learning Consultant
      • Requests should be made to our team a minimum of 6 weeks from proposed dates of service
• Consultants (vendors) must be preapproved and have an OCPS vendor number. If they are not a vendor            with OCPS, they need to complete the New Vendor Registration
• Services must extend beyond 2 days (or 12 hours)
• Pay for consultants is up to $3000 per day, or $375 per hour
• A quote for services must first be submitted to [email protected] prior to securing a purchase order   (promise to pay)
• Quote should include, proposed dates of services, description of services and bill to: OCPS  445 W.    Amelia Street, Orlando, FL 32801
• School must provide sign in sheets, agendas, etc. with dates and name of professional learning event
• We do not pay private schools directly

College Coursework
• Valencia College course requests should be sent to Ellen Costello ([email protected])
• Pre Approval is required to request reimbursement for college courses. Not all courses are approved.
• The purpose is to help teachers become highly qualified for their content "The course content must    meet the specific needs of students enrolled in a private school, and not the school itself. Title II, Part A    funds may not be used to meet the needs of a private school or the general needs of the students    enrolled in the private school" (FLDOE Guidance p. 7).
• Submit syllabus/agenda with course name and code
• Proof of successful completion (C or better for college course)
• Proof of payment (receipt)
• We do not pay private schools directly

Virtual Courses/Online Workshops
These must be pre-approved and paid for by the teacher. We will reimburse based on proof of successful completion of the course/workshop
• Submit syllabus/agenda Proof of successful completion (C or better for college course)
•  Proof of payment (receipt)
• We do not pay private schools directly

Title IV

Guidelines for Title IV Allocations

Title IV allocations are used to improve student academic achievement by developing services and activities that are geared toward providing all students an enriched educational experience.

These funds were established to:

1.Provide all students with access to a well-rounded education
2.Improve school conditions for student learning to support the safe and healthy student, and
3.Improve the use of technology in order to advance digital literacy of all students


This form is to be completed for student support and academic enrichment programs funded through Title IV. All field trips, professional learning, after-school clubs, summer programs, software programs and supplies for enrichment programs utilizing Title IV funds must be approved by OCPS prior to schools implementing the activity.


All requests to use Title IV funds must be PRE-APPROVED. Complete this survey  add link  to request Title IV funding


Title IV Activities must supplement not supplant activities that are accounted for with other school funds. 


●  Requests should be made to our team a minimum of 6 weeks from proposed dates of service
●  Vendors must be preapproved and have an OCPS vendor number. If they are not a vendor with OCPS, they need to complete the new vendor registration
●  A quote for services/ requested items must first be submitted to [email protected] prior to securing a purchase order
●  Quote should included the billing company and address as  OCPS  445 W. Amelia Street, Orlando, FL 32801
●  Any discounts included must be listed per item, not as one total
●  We do not pay private schools directly


Processing requests can take up to 6 weeks.


Direct questions to [email protected]


Fall Activity Requests due September 10th

Spring Plans Requests due December 6th

Summer Plans Requests due March 14th


Activities must be implemented during the 2024-2025 school year to support students and provide academic enrichment. Implementation is broken up into three time frames and may not run outside of July 1, 2024 and June 30, 2025.