
Mail Services Center

The Mail Center is located at the Ronald Blocker Educational Leadership Center (RBELC) serving the employees of the RBELC as well as the district. The Mail Center processes metered mail, bulk mail, Priority and Express mail, overnight letters and packages district wide as well as courier mail for the Educational Leadership Center in the most cost effective manner.

The RBELC Mail Center is located in the back of the building near the loading dock. It can be reached from the loading dock or the main building entrance. The Center is open from 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.

Courier Services

Courier Services provides services twice a week to all schools and district offices. 

[email protected]

Mail Center Staff

[email protected]

Should you have a specific question regarding mailing, shipping, or receiving we urge you to call the Mail Center at (407) 317-3446.