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Information Technology Department

IT department header image The South Jefferson Information Technology Department supports the digital needs of the district and assists in providing a safe, positive learning environment that engages, nurtures, and challenges each student as they grow academically, socially and emotionally. 

Department Staff

Shelbie Pelton, District IT Administrator

Andrew Zuber, Network Administrator

Parent Portal Products

ParentSquare, Schooltool, Classlink, Accelerated Reader, My School Bucks, Family ID, Schedule Galaxy
Please visit our Parent Portal page to learn more about the digital products and services used by our district including instructions for requesting access. 
schoolotool parentsquare

Parent Communications and Emergency Notifications

Safe Senders
Add South Jefferson domains to your list of allowed senders so our communications don't end up in your SPAM folder. 
Emergency Notifications
Visit your user account profile page in ParentSquare to manage your preferences for parental communication notifications.
  • Make sure you have the setting for Weather delays & closings set to on.
  • Make sure you have at least one method (Email, Text, App) set to on for your child's school and also for district.
If all settings are set to off (like the image below) you will not receive any school communications. Parent Square notification preferences example

Curriculum & Assessment

Plans and Guidelines

District Technology Plan
Parent Bill of Rights
Acceptable Use and Technology Take Home Protection Plan
Internet Safety
Internet Filtering



South Jefferson Central School Dist.
PO Box 10, Adams, NY 13605

(315) 583-6104