Business Office
The South Jefferson Business Office is responsible for managing the money needed to support the district’s educational mission. One of the office’s most important functions is developing the proposed school budget for the consideration of the district’s board of education and voters.
Business Office Personnel
Joshua HartshorneDistrict Business Official
(315) 583-6107
Katie Dandrow
Prinicpal Account Clerk
(315) 583-6106
Amber Desormo
Senior Account Clerk/Payroll Clerk
(315) 583-6106
Tiffany Sholett
Health Insurance Clerk/School Tax Collector/Claims Auditor
(315) 583-6106
Tax Collection
To pay in person:
Cash, Check or Money Order Only
Watertown Savings Bank
10729 US RTE 11
Adams, NY 13605
Monday - Friday, 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM during September and October
Drive-thru and Lobby available
For questions, please call (315) 583-6106
Budget Information
As we prepare for our annual budget each year, we provide a number of documents with information pertaining to the budget process. Please visit our Budget Information page for more information.
NYS Comptroller's "Report Of Examination" Audit
The State Comptroller has filed the "Report Of Examination" for the period of July 1, 2014-May 9, 2016. The report is available for download. Please refer to the download section in the sidebar to download, print or save a copy.
Audited Financial Statements
South Jefferson CSD completed its annual risk assessment for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2021. The reports are available under the Downloads section of this page.
Information & District Records are available thru the District Office at (315) 583-6104
The District’s transportation aid ratio is 90%. This means that the District receives 90% of the approved transportation expenses back as revenue.
SJCSD State Comptroller's Audit June 2024
SJCDS External Audit 6-30-22
SJCDS Internal Audit 6-30-21
SJCDS Internal Audit 6-30-23
SJCSD state comptroller's audit 2014-2016
SJCSD External Audit Statements
2023 School Tax Notice
Directions for Printing/Viewing Tax Bills
Understanding the Equalization Rate