Stay Up To Date

Nettleton families, stay up-to-date on District and School information by signing up for Remind. Use the information below to sign up and receive a welcome text from Remind. If you have a smartphone, you can even download the app from the Apple App or Google Play stores. 

Nettleton Athletics: text @nps-sports to 81010
Transportation: text @nps-trans to 81010
Support Services: text @nps-supser to 81010
FME: text @nps-fme to 81010
UHE: text @nps-uhe to 81010
FMSCM: text @nps-fmscm to 81010
STEAM: text @nps-steam to 81010
UHSMA: text @nps-uhsma to 81010
NJHS: text @nps-njhs to 81010
NHS: text @nps-nhs to 81010
NVA: text @nva-nps to 81010

If the 81010 number gives you trouble, you can also text any to (630) 984-5363


Posted by Courtney Speer at 09:29