16 May 2022
SPED Records
The state and federal guidelines require that all special education due
process forms and records be maintained for six years after a student
leaves a special education program. After six years, the special
education records will be destroyed as mandated by federal law. This
notice does not apply to regular high school transcripts.
You have the right to review and/or take your child’s (or your) special
education records. These records will be available at the Nettleton School
District’s Special Education Office, 2305 Promise Ln, through June 2,
2022, from 8:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. Please call 870-910-7830, ext. 5125
or 5134 to indicate that you will be picking up the records.
All remaining special education records of students who dropped or
graduated from Nettleton School District in 2016 will be destroyed on
June 6, 2022.
Posted by
Jennifer Morgan