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Student Vaccine Clinic

Nettleton families, students 12 years of age and up have the opportunity to receive the Pfizer COVID vaccine from St. Bernards Healthcare on August 18th. They will start at the Junior High School from 8 am to 10 am then they will move to the High School from 11 am to 1 pm. They will return on September 8th for the second dose at the same times and locations.

If you are interested in your student receiving the vaccine please complete the interest form to ensure we have the correct number of doses available. In addition, a consent form must be filled out and brought with them on August 18th and again on September 8th. You can find the interest form and consent form in both English and Spanish on our website at or linked below.

Interest Form

Consent Form (English)

Formulario de Consentimiento (Español)


at 11 August 2021

August Special Board Meeting 2021

Nettleton will have a Special Board Meeting on August 12, 2021 at 7:00 am at our Administration Building.

at 11 August 2021

Ready for Learning 2021-2022

As always, Nettleton Public Schools will follow the guidance and regulations set forth by the Arkansas Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE), the Arkansas Department of Health (ADH), and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The health of Nettleton students, families, faculty and staff are of the utmost importance to the district, and we will continue to provide our stakeholders with the most up-to-date information as it becomes available. Below you will find resoruces to the Arkansas Ready for Learning Plan, NPS Ready for Learning Plan, as well as Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ). 

AR Ready for Learning

NPS Ready for Learning


at 11 August 2021

NPS Student & Parent/Guardian Device Agreement

As we approach the first day of school, August 16th, all students and their parent/guardian need to complete the device agreement which can now be filled out online. Please visit to compelte the agreeement, you must fill out one for each child in the district. 


at 05 August 2021

Open House Update

As always, the top priority of Nettleton Public Schools is the health of its students, families, faculty and staff. Therefore, we believe that at this time, it is best to not host an "Open House" event at our campuses to start the 2021-22 school year.

However, students entering Pre-K and Kindergarten will be allowed to have (1) family member join them on the days listed below for a special "Welcome" to their new elementary school:


Girls - August 16, 8:30 a.m.

Boys - August 17, 8:30 a.m.


Girls - August 18, 8:30 a.m.

Boys - August 19, 8:30 a.m.

Please know that we are monitoring the guidelines presented by DESE (Arkansas Department of Elementary and Secondary Education), ADH (Arkansas Department of Health), and the CDC (Centers of Disease Control and Prevention) and will continue to update and add to our COVID-19 resources and documents, found at

Thank you for your understanding!


at 03 August 2021

2021-2022 School Supply List

The first day of school, August 16th, is quickly approaching which means it's time to start buying school supplies! All supply lists can be found on each campus' Facebook page which are linked below.


Fox Meadow Elementary

University Heights Elementary

Fox Meadow School of Creative Media


University Heights School of Medical Arts

Junior High

High School


Note that Junior High and High School students usually receive this information the first day of school from their teacher. 


at 26 July 2021

Join the Raider Family!

Ready to join the Raider Family? We are looking for individuals who will do whatever it takes for our students!

We have several job openings including classroom teachers in the elementary and intermediate schools. To apply, visit us at



at 23 July 2021

NYIT College of Osteopathic Medicine at Arkansas State Camp 2021

The NYIT College of Osteopathic Medicine at Arkansas State partnered with 8 NHS Juniors and Seniors for a 7 week camp, attending 3 days a week from 9 am to 12 pm.

Various physicians, scientists, medical students and healthcare workers presented in person and via zoom to share personally about their careers. Students learned these careers are very attainable and offered right here in NEA!

Students had experiences including: examining zebrafish embryos through a stereo microscope, mice dissections to identify anatomical structures, dressing in PPE (personal protective equipment), tours of the Delta Care-a-van, practicing suturing techniques, inserting IV catheters in an arm simulator, water quality testing, and even learning how to intubate a patient.

We are so proud of these students! Lila Aldaco, Noah Beeman, Keonna Harris, Darrell Holton, Alexandria Jones, Jaylin Lumpkin, Adriana Southard, and Brooklynn Tilley

You can read the article about the SHARE camp from the Jonesboro Sun 

#RaiderPride #nyitcomAR


at 20 July 2021

Open House 2021

NPS Open House Schedule

Thursday August 12th

  • 5:00 to 6:30 pm - FME & UHE
  • 5:45 to 7:15 pm - FMSCM, STEAM, UHSMA
  • 6:30 to 8:00 pm - NJHS & NHS*

*Note that on Tuesday, August 10th from 6:30 to 7:30 pm NHS has its open house for 9th Graders ONLY

at 19 July 2021