- Mill Valley School District
- Registration
- FAQ - Transitional Kindergarten
What is Transitional Kindergarten (TK)?
Transitional Kindergarten is the first year of a two-year kindergarten program that uses a modified kindergarten curriculum that is age and developmentally appropriate.
Eligibility & Registration
At what age will my child be eligible to enroll in TK in Mill Valley?
Eligible for TK
Eligible for Kindergarten
2024-25 School Year
D.O.B. between Sept. 2, 2019 and June 2, 2020
D.O.B. on or before September 1, 2019
2025-26 School Year
D.O.B. before September 1, 2021
D.O.B. on or before September 1, 2020
- Reference: California Department of Education and Assembly Bill 22
Where is TK located?
Currently, we have three TK classrooms at Edna Maguire and one at Park. There are specific requirements from the state in order to designate a TK learning classroom, and these classrooms meet those criteria. You will be notified of the site in your placement letter in the spring of 2024.How do I register my child for TK?
Registration will open for the 2024-25 school year in January 2024. Please use this link to learn more.
My child's birthday falls just short of the deadline. Can we enroll?At this time, there is no variance to the timeline for enrollment in TK in Mill Valley. We understand that this impacts important family decisions, and we recognize the burden of continued childcare. Our intention is to meet the state's deadline to include all students in TK by the 2025-2026 school year.
Will I need to re-register my child for Kindergarten in Mill Valley?
No. Children enrolled in TK in Mill Valley will receive a letter asking for their intent to return to the district for subsequent years.
Will my child be placed at the same school site for TK and K-5?
Not necessarily. Kindergarten placement is done separately in the spring of a child’s TK year. MVSD will follow the school placement procedures when determining kindergarten placement.
Will my child be able to enter first grade after completing a year of TK?
No. TK is the first of two years of kindergarten and is not a substitute for a full kindergarten program.
Are students in Transitional Kindergarten subject to the Kindergarten immunization requirements?
Yes. They are required to have documentation of required immunizations or a valid exemption prior to admission to Transitional Kindergarten. Here is more information.
Program Information
What Mill Valley School Sites have TK programs?
Beginning in the 2022-23 school year, TK classrooms were opened at Edna Maguire Elementary and an additional one classroom was opened at Park for the 2023-24 school year. As enrollment increases, additional TK classrooms will be added to more Mill Valley School District sites. Additional classrooms are determined by state facility requirements and local facility availability. Those decisions will be shared with the public as they become available.
How many students are in TK classes?
TK classes have up to 22 students in each class with an adult-to-student ratio of 1:11 (2 adults with up to 22 students).
How is the TK program different from the Kindergarten Program?Since TK is the first year of a two-year program, the TK curriculum will be a precursor to the regular Kindergarten program.
What does the TK program look like?
TK is a whole-day program and runs from 8:15 a.m. - 2:35 p.m., and 8:15 a.m. - 1:45 p.m. on Wednesdays. TK has a 20-minute drop-off and pick-up buffer wherein students may be dropped off between 8:15 a.m. - 8:35 a.m. or picked up between 2:15 p.m. - 2:35 p.m. This added cushion is intended to provide caregivers time to pick up and drop off siblings at other school sites.
Curriculum and Instruction
TK is guided by the Preschool Learning Foundations. It is a play-based program with a focus on interpersonal relationships, social-emotional learning, fine and gross motor growth, and classroom independence.
There is a mixed delivery of whole group and small group instruction. Mill Valley TK classes benefit from Kiddo-funded programs such as Art, Music, and Dance, PTA-funded opportunities such as Garden, and district-funded classes such as PE.
Age-appropriate resting time
We do not provide nap time during the TK day. However, after lunch, students participate in daily quiet time. This is an independent time where students have the choice to rest, read, or draw, to reset their bodies for the remainder of the school day.