• School Procedures


    Absences, Arriving Late or Leaving Early


    If your child will not attend school or will arrive late, you should call the school office at  415- 389-7735 or email Anne Malvaux (amalvaux@mvschools.org) by 9:00am.  If your child is enrolled in EDS, they should also be notified at 707-892-3070.  We ask families to limit trips as much as possible during the school year and not to take children out of school for reasons other than illness or emergencies.

    If you have an appointment for your child and you need to arrive late or leave early, please let the school office and the teacher know.  If you arrive after school has started at 8:30am, you need to sign your child in at the school office and they will need a “tardy slip” to take to their teacher.  If your child must leave school at times other than regular dismissal, please email the teacher and office explaining the reason, the time, and who will pick them up.  Children must be signed out in the office when leaving before the end of the school day.  When you arrive to pick up your child, please come directly to the school office. Do not go to the classroom.


    Drop-Off Procedures


    We highly recommend families walk or roll to/from school, as there is a lot of traffic congestion around Park and very little street parking. Please use our student drop off/pick up carlines: drive “in on Elm Street and out on Catalpa, Walnut, or any street other than Elm.”  If everyone drops-off in a clockwise circular direction, the Elm Street traffic jam is much less hectic.
    Please follow all safety rules including wearing helmets and crossing at crosswalks.  Bikes and scooters need to be walked when on school grounds.
    Please refrain from bringing your dog to school.  While we understand the joys of walking your dog, many children are afraid of animals.  Most importantly, dogs are not allowed on campus.  Please review the Dog Policy for more details.


    After School Plans and Communication 


    Please make sure that at the beginning of each day your child knows what his/her arrangements are for after school.  Except in the case of an emergency, please do not call the office and ask for messages to be delivered to your child during the school day.  We would like to avoid as many interruptions to classroom learning as possible.  We understand that plans may change after your child is sent to school.  Here are two ideas parents have shared that will help to get the information to your child: If a different parent will be picking up your child than planned, ask that parent to call you as soon as he or she meets your child at school.  Your child can then speak to you directly to confirm the new arrangement.  If your child doesn’t know where to go after school, please tell him or her to always go directly to the office.  We will be there to help figure out where he or she is supposed to be.  Thank you for your cooperation.


    Lost and Found


    Lost a sweatshirt, lunchbox or even a backpack?  It is likely to be at Lost and Found which is located in the hallway between the Library and Room 13.  Please check often as items are given to charity periodically throughout the year.  It is also a good idea to label jackets, backpacks, lunchboxes, your thermos and other items commonly brought to school.  Teachers and administration will make a special attempt to return labeled items.