The disciplinary policy at Old Mill School recognizes the relationship that students have with their individual teachers. Each classroom has developed its own standards of expected behavior consistent with school wide norms and the Old Mill Learner Profile. Every effort is made by the staff and student to work together to resolve any problems.

    Positive recognition is given to those students who demonstrate appropriate behavior and work with other students to resolve problems. "Raccoon Tickets" may be presented to a student if s/he demonstrates an attribute of the Old Mill Learner Profile. Class meetings are often held to provide an opportunity for students and staff to discuss common disagreements. Classroom teachers also use mindfulness strategies to support students who are upset or need to refocus. 4th and 5th grade "SOS Managers" help students during recess times to resolve problems. These students are trained in conflict resolution skills during the school year. 

    Bullying is not tolerated at Old Mill. Please contact the school if you have concerns about bullying.  The following definitions may be helpful:


    Bullying is defined as unwanted, aggressive behavior among school aged children that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. The behavior is repeated, or has the potential to be repeated, over time. Bullying includes actions such as making threats, spreading rumors, attacking someone physically or verbally, and excluding someone from a group on purpose.  MVSD Guidance and Board Policy.


    Harassment is defined as continued unwanted actions aimed at a student or group based on a protected status such as race, gender, and disability.


    Intimidation is defined as the presence of fear- inspiring force.


    If there are infractions of school rules which need further attention, a student may be referred to the principal. Each teacher has her/his classroom expectations posted. If a child cannot commit to these agreements, the following consequences may take place depending on the individual situation. Most incidents are resolved between teachers and students, with parent support and communication.

    These interventions are not necessarily sequential and more than one may be used in a given situation. 

    • Verbal warning: An explanation of consequences if the student should continue to exhibit inappropriate behavior. 
    • Loss of recess: Student sits in classroom, office, or on a bench for an entire recess. This can include lunch recess. An assignment or task could be involved.
    • Other: Examples include school service, removal from the group or activity, parent conference, etc. 
    • Referral to principal: The student and principal discuss a plan of positive action for the future. A "Student Incident" letter goes to the teacher and then home for signatures. It must be returned to the school the following day or there will be a loss of recess until a parent is contacted.  
    • If a student is sent to the office due to a serious physical altercation, parents will be contacted by the principal.
    • Sometimes a student is referred to the office during recess and may visit with the principal who may or may not contact parents. The classroom teacher will be informed and a "Student Reflection Form" filled out.
    • Suspension: In cases of extreme or repeated infractions of the discipline policy, a student may be suspended. 
      • In-School Suspension: Students are restricted in their movement through the school, likely stay in the main office and/or Principal's office, and are closely supervised while they complete assigned work. 
      • Full Suspension: In situations where there is extreme behavior or where the safely of others in the school community is threatened, a student will be suspended from school, and be required to go home. As required by law, students will be immediately suspended for possession of a weapon, drugs or alcohol.


    Old Mill continues to embrace Restorative Justice practices. Our current disciplinary policy utliizes similar practices. Our main goal is for students to change their behavior, and research shows that Restorative Practices offers students different ways to reflect on their behavior, with the ultimate goal of changing their behavior. This type of intervention is done in lieu of traditional consequences, and parents are also involved. When students are referred to the administration for the behavior, restorative practices may be given. These practices (or consequences) may include research assignments, community circles, peer-to-peer mediation, group mediation, peer-to-teacher mediations, letters of apology, counseling, making amends with staff and students through helping with tasks at school. 

    For more information, please visit https://www.seedscrc.org/about