A butterfly emerging from a chrysalis

The Syllabus/Outline for BTSN 2016

  •   Back to School Night 2016

    5th Grade

    Nichole Rozakos


    Fifth Grade marks the final stepping-stone in the journey towards middle school. It is my goal to prepare every student with the necessary tools and skills to make the transition as seamless as possible. Organization, time management, developing independent work habits, and advocating for one’s learning will be stressed. Students will play an integral part of developing a classroom environment based on respect for the fellow learner; we value trust, active listening, no put-downs, humor and personal best. Students in Room 6 understand that mistakes equal information and that asking questions is an important part of learning. All students have important classroom jobs and responsibilities. As we progress through the year every student will practice our classroom mantra: “Everybody teaches, everybody learns”. I strive to help each child do his/her best work and feel successful. We are a team: parents, teachers, students, and school staff, working together we can accomplish a great deal.


    • Teamwork/ Collaboration- Nikki Rozakos, Rachel Quek, and Danny Gasparini


    • Philosophy of Education
      • Children must feel safe to take risks
      • Must feel a part of a caring community / Collaborative learning
      • Personal Best / High Expectations is valued
      • Meet at their level and grow from there
      • Meaningful learning
      • Self-Reflection


    • Opportunities for Leadership- Student council- classroom officers
    • Increased responsibility- agenda, homework, work within the class
    • Walker Creek Ranch (4 days/3 nights)
    • Family Life



    • Everyday Math- Balances conceptual understanding, critical thinking, basic skills, and problem solving; goal to make it meaningful with a connection to ideas: writing to explain your thinking; spiral and games to teach mastery, problem solving through collaboration, multiple methods to solutions
    • Additional Enrichment Activities- Math Projects, Problem Solving Journals, Marcy Cook task cards, enrichment problems-of-the-week, critical thinking.
    • Homework: Monday – Thursday students will have math homework. Most nights it will involve completing a standard review from their workbooks. Not all students will receive the same homework (based on prior understanding). It is expected that all students complete assignments daily.

    Online Tools- http://connected.mcgraw-hill.com/connected/login.do (you will need a login and password found inside each student’s homework planner)




    1. READING

    Students will be reading more this year, we hope, than ever before. Our goal is for every student to find a love for reading, and treat books as resource to learn, laugh, and enjoy. In addition, students are encouraged to bring a book to and from home/school for in-class reading.


    Additionally, a special emphasis will be placed on “good fit” books for students.


    Students will be using reading books to write monthly literature responses. If your student is having difficulty finding a book please let me know!


    • Independent Reading: At least 20 minutes at home daily. Students may choose to read anything.
    • Literature Response: Part of the Enrichment Cycle (monthly), students will be required to respond to a question of their choice. Stresses analysis and citing examples that reinforce ideas.
    • Reader Workshop: Critical thinking and analyzing texts for authoring styles, techniques and crafts.
    • Literature Circles/ Book Clubs: Students participate in literature circles, prepare roles and lead discussions with adult supervision.



    • Word Study: Students will study and add to their understanding of prefix, suffix, and root words. This will expand their knowledge of spelling, vocabulary, and strategies to find meanings in unknown words.
    • Mentor Sentences: Students will study a well-written sentence in class for a week, and examine it for punctuation, grammar and sentence structure.



    • Writer’s Workshop- Narrative (Autobiographical Incident/realistic fiction), Response to Literature, Expository/Informational, Persuasive, Opinion/Persuasive, Poetry, Creative/Free Write, Letter Writing.
    • Writing Process: Brainstorm, Organization, Rough Draft(s), Re-reading/Revise/Edit, Publish
      • Conferencing
      • Google Docs
      • Shared Editing/Reading


    1. SCIENCE
    • Curriculum- Introduction to the Scientific Process, Meteorology, Chemistry (Mixtures and Solutions, Elements and Compounds, Properties of Salt), Astronomy, Plant and Body Systems, Human Development, Review of 4th Grade Concepts, and Puberty ( Ivy Chen- Feb.)
    • Science Fair- At home project that will be supported within the classroom (Feb.)
    • Movement towards Next Generation Science Standards



    • Curriculum- Fifth grade focuses on United States History and Current Events, History of U.S.! Studies include comparative Native American unit, U.S. before Europeans through the Revolution~ simulations, projects, role-playing, correlating literature in ELA, and research.
    • Geography~ S. Geography, States & Capitals.



    • Art ~ Every other Monday 8:30-9:15 & 9:15-10:00–two groups, ½ class each
    • Music ~ Tuesday 12:20-12:50 –whole class
    • Poetry~ with Terri Glass (Throughout the year)
    • Dance ~ Thursday (dates TBD), 1:30-2:00 – Performance (TBD)
    • Physical Education ~ Monday-Friday 12:50-1:20 (Thursday 8:15-8:45)
    • Garden (Naturalist) ~ Every month throughout the year
    • Library ~ Thursday 10:55-11:40
    • Band
    • Chorus

    Family Life ~ Ivy Chen TBA (usually in February)



    • Daily Expectations / Schedule: Monday-Thursday approximately 50 minutes. I do understand our lives are very hectic and busy, so if an assignment cannot be completed please send a note, email or voicemail. Even better have your student communicate this with me. If a student is not clear about an assignment or if work is taking much longer to complete, please let me know. Please communicate BEFORE frustration builds.
    • Weekly Homework: Some assignments are assigned on a weekly basis throughout the year. These assignments include:
      • Word Study- Monday to Friday Schedule
      • Enrichment Cycle- Response, Time4Kids, Current Event, (Free Week) due Thursdays
    • Long Term Assignments: Several assignments will span a week or more. These are in preparation for middle school expectations. When these assignments are assigned, explanations, directions, and time frames will be sent home for you to review and sign.
    • Parent Involvement and Support: How much do you need to do? Homework should mostly be completed independently. Parents/Guardians can help their student with homework by creating a consistent time and quiet study place with no distractions. Many kids need help once a week organizing their backpack and binder. Ask questions and be your child’s proofreader. Parent guidance plays a major role in boosting student achievement.
      • T.T.R., Harry Potter Wands, Current Events, Science Fair Projects, etc. should be produced by students. Please have your student communicate with me if they need more support.
    • Student Planners- used daily, homework posted on website, parent signature may be required depending on if student is consistently writing down their assignments.
    • Google Classroom: Assignments and Announcements



    • Daily Schedule
    • Class Meetings / Team Building
    • Positive Reinforcement for Individuals and Group Behavior, Work and Achievements:
      • Classroom Economy, Table Points, Perseverance Points, Piggy Bank
      • Compliments / Appreciations / Shout outs!
      • Character Education
      • Officers/ Me Board
    • Consequences
      • Verbal Warnings
    • “Making Better Choices” -Blue Slip
    • 4 Blue Slips = SIR



    • Team: We are partners in your child’s education.
    • Time and Talent: Volunteer Sign Up Sheets - field trips, class parties, special projects etc.
    • Agenda/ Parent Info Section of Binder- Comes home everyday, look for announcements, send me notes, parent/teacher signatures
    • Conferences: November 7 – November 18 ~ 1:30 p.m. dismissal
    • Website
    • Communication:
      • Student driven communication. Practice for student self-advocating.
      • Email anytime: NRozakos@mvschools.org
      • Call 389-7669 X2906
      • Schedule an appointment.
      • PLEASE TALK TO ME with questions or concerns.
      • Please allow 48 hours for a response



    • Walker Creek Ranch Parent Info. Night – September 28th 6:00- 7:00 pm in MPR
    • Walker Creek Ranch Trip – October 18th- October 21st
    • “Walk Through The Revolution” – June (TBD)
    • Service Learning Projects (TBD)
    • Middle School Field Trips (TBD)
    1. CLOSING
    • Volunteer Opportunities- email with a signup genius link will be sent out tonight. Please refrain from signing up for Walker Creek until after tomorrow night’s Parent Information meeting.
    • Parent Questionnaire: Please fill out your parent questionnaire and return it to Ms.Rozakos’ box (in the office) at your earliest convenience.
    • Note to your student in his/her Writing Journal.
    • Email- If you have not received a correspondence from me, please include you name and email address on one of the note cards at your table and turn it in to me.
    • Parent/Teacher/Student Conferences- Sign ups will be arranged via our classroom website and Sign Up Genius. Please be on the look out mid October.
    • Second Households: Please notify the office and me if you would like to receive mailings such as back to school letters and progress reports. Please let me know if you would like second copies of newsletters or other classroom correspondence. If these second copies need to be mailed, please provide self-addressed stamped envelopes.



    I am excited for a great year!


    Thank You For Your Support!!!


    Printable Syllabus