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- Absence System Registration Instructions
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ABSENCE SYSTEM REGISTRATION INSTRUCTIONS(SmartFind Express – SFE)New MVSD Employee and Substitute User InstructionsCall 415-380-2471 and follow the prompts:
- Enter your ACCESS ID: Phone number without the area code (7 digit number) followed by the Star Key (*).
- When the system asks for a “PIN” number, re-enter your Access ID (7 digit phone number) followed by the Star Key (*).
- The system will then prompt you to record your name.
- The system will then prompt you to personalize your PIN number. Choose and enter a number of at least 6 (six) digits and follow by the Star Key (*).
After registering with the system, you may also call the number above or log on to the website to review your employee profile, change your pin number or review your jobs or enter an absence.
For questions, please contact Clemencia Vargas, Payroll and Benefits Specialist by email at cvargas@mvschools.org.