These rules were developed over time to keep everyone happy and safe.

    General Rules:
    • Be kind, be safe, be respectful, be responsible, be fair.
    • All games are open to any student who wants to play.
    • Keep your hands and arms to yourself and not on others.  We refer to this as “no physical contact.”
    • No “rough housing” or “piggy back” rides.
    • No climbing on play structure to unsafe heights, or up the wrong way on the slides.
    • If you start a game with your classroom or personal ball, that ball will be used in the game the entire recess. The ball may belong to you or your grade level, but it is shared by those who play the game.
    • It is unsafe for first graders to play handball type of games.
    • Hard balls, small bouncy balls, and baseball bats may not be brought to school.
    • The trees at the edge of the playground are off limits. Do not play beyond the edge of the grass field or blacktop, or around the corner of the library.
    • Play only where you can see the yard duty supervisors and they can see you.
    Primary Playground
    • Go in only one direction on the play structure.
    • No jumping from the high parts of the play structure.
    • Kickball can only be played in front of the portables.
    • No one can play between or behind the portables.


    Maximum players on a half court = 6.
    Maximum players on a full court = 10.
    “Knock-Out” is not allowed due to the number of injuries and hurt feelings involved.
    Up to 10 people per court.
    The majority vote decides if a player is out or if it needs to be played again.
    At lunch recess, 8 people minimum to start a game
    No slide tackling.
    Kick the ball responsibly – slow it down if there is a crowd of players around the ball.
    No more than 12 people per court.
    One ball per court.
    No pegging people.
    Tennis balls may be used if the staff member on duty approves.
    Small rubber balls are not allowed.
    Touch Football - 4th and 5th graders only
    Maximum of 14 players.
    No tackling or roughness.  No hard two-hand touches.
    Play with one grade level only.
    No roughness.
    To make sure that no one gets hurt, there will be one grade level using the “Ga-Ga” Pit per day.  Boys and girls can play together.  The schedule will be developed by the principal as needed.
    No pegging or slamming the ball.
    Only Ga-Ga can be played.  Games where students kick or throw the ball really hard are not allowed.
    The maximum number of children in the Ga-Ga pit is 20.