- Tam Valley
- Garden
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The main garden at Tam Valley is located at the back of the intermediate playground. It is supervised by Betsy Chatton, the PTA Garden Coordinator, who meets with each teacher to develop a curriculum and activities appropriate to that grade level and class. Each classroom has a designated raised bed and a regular time during the month to do garden activities.
In addition, the second grade has “adopted” a small garden located between rooms 16 and 17. The goal is to sustain indigenous plants that require a minimum of watering and to maintain an environment in which butterflies thrive. In June 2007, fifth grade parents presented a legacy gift that greatly enhanced this garden.
The two Tam Valley gardens provide countless hands-on activities that promote environmental awareness and stewardship of the Tam Valley natural setting. The gardens offer a living classroom in which many areas of the curriculum, including math and creative arts, come to life.
A critical part of the garden is a cadre of parent volunteers to assist Betsy when students come to the garden. If you are interested in helping, contact your child’s teacher or Betsy Chatton by leaving a note for her at the school office.