Lice are NOT a disease, and affect everyone, regardless of demographics, income, or race. They are just a major nuisance!


    If a case has been reported in your child's class, check your child's head regularly; treat lice and nits and your home immediately or at one of the many lice removal salons


    Always contact the school office if your child has a case of head lice, so that other families can check heads and we can keep track of confirmed/reported cases. We don't want to spread false information. Lice reports are kept confidential.  


    As per Mill Valley School District policy, parent volunteers cannot conduct lice checks on campus due to class disruption, privacy issues, and the fact that these checks have not decreased lice cases in the past. Only qualified health personnel can most accurately identify lice.


    Following the Center for Disease Control (CDC)'s guidelines, students can return to school after proper hair treatment (see Lice Education link below).

    For detailed information about lice, finding them, and eliminating them, the Tam Valley PTA put together this well-researched presentation: Lice Education 

    Here are a couple of commonly used products: 
    Lice Comb Lice Guard