• Update from MVSD Regarding Negotiations with MVTA 
    June 13, 2023


    Good afternoon Mill Valley Families,


    We are pleased to announce that Mill Valley School District and Mill Valley Teachers Association have collaboratively reached a tentative agreement. 


    MVSD and MVTA have agreed to the following terms for the 2023-2024 and the 2024-2025 school years:


    • 10% salary increase for the 2023-2024 school year, effective July 1st, 2023.

    • 4% salary increase for the 2024-2025 school year, effective July 1st, 2024.

    • Hourly pay rate has increased from $45/hour to $55/hour.

    • Increased stipends for various positions to support student learning programs to enrich educational offerings, including TK-8 teacher leaders and Middle School WEB coordinators. 

    • Stipends for Doctorate degrees and National Board Certification increased by $500/year to $1,500/year.

    • Increase years of service honored for new hires from 15 to 20 years, phased in on a gradual basis, by the 2027-28 school year.

    • Credit for up to 5 years of relevant service outside of public school for nurses, counselors, including speech and language pathologists.

    • Release time for TK-5 grade teachers to administer one-on-one student assessments.

    • Codifying current levels of planning and preparation time of 200 minutes for elementary and two planning and preparation periods for middle school unit members.

    • Maintaining current levels of instructional aide support at all grade levels.

    • Increased compensation and instructional aide support should class sizes exceed a certain level for classes TK-8.


    MVTA members have ratified the tentative agreement. The next steps include incorporating new language into the contract, submitting the tentative agreement to the Marin County Office of Education for approval as required by law, and approval by the Mill Valley School District Board of Trustees. It is anticipated that Board consideration will take place at a Special Board meeting on June 23, 2023. 


    Both parties are pleased to have reached this agreement, and we recognize and appreciate the hard work of both negotiating teams. In addition, both parties recognize the benefits of having this process completed before the end of the school year.


    Once again, a hearty thanks to the bargaining team members:  



    Erin Frazier

    Catherine Elder

    Tara Ordoñez

    Ann Marie Padilla

    Ben Wien

    Michele Rollins

    Dagmar Derickson

    Jason Matlon

    Danny Chui

    Roman J. Muñoz




    Erin Frazier                                                                   Michele Crncich Hodge

    MVTA President                                                           MVSD Board President

  • Mill Valley School District

    Negotiations Update

    June 5, 2023


    The Mill Valley School District is committed to transparency and accountability to stakeholders in the community. The District is providing answers to questions the community may have on the status of negotiations between the District and MVTA leaders.  

  • What is the status of negotiations between the District and MVTA Leaders?

  • What are the current items still being negotiated between the District and MVTA?

  • What was the District’s most recent salary offer to MVTA?

  • Is the District asking teachers to work during their lunch breaks and move unit members' duty free lunch at will?

  • What is the disagreement over staff meetings?

  • Is the District trying to reduce elementary teacher preparation time?

  • What are the next steps in negotiations?