• Ways to Become Involved

    2023-24 Site Council  


    Site Council Meeting Dates (TBD)

    Time & Location

    Edna Maguire


    Old Mill


    Strawberry Point          




    Tamalpais Valley


    Mill Valley Middle       


    Throughout the year, this dedicated group will review our School Safety Plan (SSP) and is responsible for the development and implementation of the Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA). More information and meeting dates will be announced soon.

    • School Safety Plan (SSP) -The SSP is required for every kindergarten through twelfth-grade school to address campus risks, prepare for emergencies, and create a safe, secure learning environment for students and school personnel.
    • Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA)-The SPSA is a tool for schools to prioritize particular programs and strategies that will best serve their students, families, and the community. It is a plan for achieving school goals that are aligned directly with the district goals, thus guiding our school-wide quest for continuous improvement.

    Citizens' Bond Oversight Committee (CBOC)

    In accordance with Education Code §§ 15278 through 15282, the Board must establish and appoint members to an independent citizens’ bond oversight committee (“CBOC”) to inform the public concerning the expenditure of Measure G bond revenues.  


    To learn more, click here.

    Citizens' Financial Advisory Committee (CFAC)

    The Superintendent may create advisory committees for special purposes. In recognition of the vital link between educational excellence and local funding and community support, the Superintendent established a broad-based Community Financial Advisory Committee (CFAC).  Its mission is to advise the Superintendent on matters relating to the long-term financial health of the District.  


    To learn more, click here.  

    District English Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC)


    DELAC is a district-level English Learner Advisory Committee comprised of parents, staff, and community members designated to advise district officials on English learner programs and services.  Each California public school district with 51 or more English learners must form a District English Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC) unless the district designates for this purpose a subcommittee of an existing districtwide advisory committee.


    To learn more, click here.