


Our purpose as Buhach Colony High School Instructors is to provide a safe, nurturing, and inclusive environment in which students become critical and creative learners and independent problem solvers. The mission of mathematics education is to promote the cognitive and effective dimensions of learning. As competent, responsible, and caring citizen, students will know and apply the computation skills and the ability to communicate those skills, which are vital for working and contributing within a diverse global society.


Visit MUHSD's digital course catalog below to view all courses offered:

MUHSD Digital Course Catalog


Jurgenli Alejandre

Jurgenli Alejandre

Teacher, Computer Science Department Chair
Rich Cometta

Rich Cometta

Wayne Fitzgerald

Wayne Fitzgerald

Teacher, Business Department Chair
Yingkong Moua

Yingkong Moua

Teacher, Boys Basketball Head Coach
Robert Shaljean

Robert Shaljean

Teacher, Mathematics Department Chair