

Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Meghan Beck Walker

Meghan Walker graduated from Mountain Brook in 2016. From there, she attended Wofford College where she majored in Psychology and graduated in the midst of Covid in 2020. This season led her to discover a passion for teaching, which she pursued through a Master's in Elementary Education from UAB. Although this is her first year teaching, Meghan is no stranger to Brookwood Forest. She had the opportunity to work at BWF as a Special Education Aide while in graduate school. Additionally, she student taught under the guidance of Mrs. Tracy Cole last Spring. She is so excited to be back working alongside the incredible 6th Grade team!

Meghan is a newly wed (hence why her email is still "Beck"). She and her husband are settling into married life and are taking on many home projects this year. Together, they love to travel, try all the restaurants Birmingham has to offer, and spend time with family.