Contact our Attendance Supervisor, burkettb@mtnbrook.k12.al.us if you have any questions.AA
Administration Approval or used for a Pre-Approve and will always have a comment/reason attached to the excused absenceAP
Alternative Placement (ALC) if this code is used, the teacher will be contacted regarding the placement and the dates out of classCOVQP
Covid + Excused and nurse will provide dates out of classCOVQE
Covid Exposed – this will possibly not be used much only temporarily, usually awaiting results and the student is excusedDE
Doctor Excuse, if absence multiple dates, nurse will confirm
Excused Absence, Illness, funeral with details and only used for immediate family, outside the family a pre-approve is usedHB
Homebound, the teacher will be contacted in advance and provided dates, codes will be entered by attendanceLG
Legal, this is excused and comments/reason will be entered by attendanceOSS
Out of School Suspension, the teacher will be contacted in advance and provided dates, attendance will enterPE
Parent Excuse, this is the only code that can be used when pulling attendance reports that will show the school heard from a parent, but the reason was unexcusedRO
Religious Observance and will not be counted towards Senior exemptionsSA
School Activity used for school events and will not be counted towards Senior exemptionsSK
Skipping unexcused and discipline to follow by administration/Mr. Crigger, this code will be entered by attendanceTE
Tardy Excused, this code will be entered by attendance if the student has an excused reason for being tardyTU
Tardy Unexcused - A tardy is used up until 8:20 during 1st period and then the absence is coded UA/unexcused absent, a teacher will use this in class when taking attendance if a student is lateUA
Unexcused Absence - Student absent and no parent or medical excuse sent