• MBHS Teacher Recommendation Process

  • To be completed by the student:


    1. Pick up a yellow ‘Teacher Recommendation Form’ from the College Advising office.


    1. Ask your teacher if he or she would be willing to write a recommendation for you and have the teacher sign the form.  A teacher’s signature is their commitment to write on your behalf.


    1. Return the form to the College Advising office.  


    1. Apply to your college** and let the College Advising office know you’ve done so through Scoir (see next section below).  Make sure this step is completed at least 3 weeks before any college deadlines. 


    ** Note for Common App Users:  if you are using the Common Application, you will need to include your teacher’s name in the Recommenders portion.  Do not include their email addressTeachers will complete recommendations via Scoir. 

    For additional assistance, click here to access a Scoir guide to completing recommenders section of the Common App.   The guide may also be found on the MBHS College Advising section of the school’s website.  Click DepartmentsCollege AdvisingApplying to College


    Once you have submitted your application and moved the college to “Applied” in Scoir:

    • The College Advising Office will contact the teacher.  If the teacher has not yet written the recommendation, we will let the teacher know of the upcoming deadline.   


    • The teacher will upload your recommendation in Scoir.  Your college advisor will write the Counselor Recommendation and complete the necessary forms and submit your materials electronically. 

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