

Degrees and Certifications:

Bachelor's Degree in Elementary Education, UAB Master's certificate in Teaching Multilingual Learners, UAB

Mrs. Cattell

Welcome to first grade! Lindsey Cattell is excited to be joining the Brookwood Forest family. She earned her bachelor's degree in Elementary Education from the University of Alabama at Birmingham. As a member of UAB's I.M.P.A.C.T. program, she also obtained a master's certificate in Teaching Multilingual Learners. Having recently completed her student teaching in first grade at BWF, she is thrilled to be returning this fall as a member of the first-grade team. She also looks forward to meeting her students and growing with them throughout this school year. To learn more about Mrs. Cattell, you can read more about her teaching beliefs and teaching philosophy below.

Mrs. Cattell values providing an effective, challenging, and engaging education for all students. She also values providing students with authentic opportunities to collaborate every day through activities that require communication and teamwork. She strongly believes that education is about nurturing the whole child by supporting them both academically and socially. In her classroom this fall, she aims to build a safe and welcoming learning environment for all of her students.