

Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Tracy Cole


Tracy grew up in a small town in south Alabama where her hopes of being an educator were first born. In elementary, high school, and college she observed many great teachers who taught her much of what she brings to the classroom today.

She graduated from the University of Alabama with a Master of Arts in Education. An avid reader of professional literature, she has traveled to research and work in schools from Maine to New Mexico seeking out the best in the field of teaching reading and writing. She has also presented at the local, state, and national levels. Tracy has been board certified from the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards since 2002. Since then, she has mentored other teachers in the field to certify with this status. Mrs. Cole has also been a teacher consultant for UAB for over ten years with Red Mountain Writing Project. RMWP is one of nearly 200 sites across the states. Their focus is increasing the knowledge, expertise, and leadership of our nation’s educators to improve writing and learning for all. She has been awarded with the Mountain Brook Outstanding Performance Award and Mountain Brook Elementary Teacher of the Year.

Tracy is happily married and the mom of two daughters. She enjoys cooking, traveling, spending time with family, and the challenge of writing poetry.

This year celebrates her twenty-seventh year of being an educator. She understands and supports the culture of growth at this incredible place called school.