

Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Dawn Elsberry

Stories are the center of our lives. Whether it is bedtime stories Mrs. Elsberry shares with her son, Landon, or the read-alouds she has been sharing with her students for 27 years, or the stories she has passed on to the numerous teachers she has trained throughout her career- stories embody who Dawn Elsberry is. 

Mrs. Elsberry's story starts in Opp, Alabama where she grew up. Many of the stories she shares with her students start on the farm with her siblings and cousins. She went on to Troy State University where she got a Bachelors and Masters in Elementary Education. After teaching for several years there, she moved to Birmingham and has been in the Forest since 2003. During this time, she met Jason, her husband of 15 years. One of her favorite stories is the one she is writing with her son Landon (a sixth grader here at BWF!). When not at school, you can find her and her family at sports games, the beach, or on walks with their two dogs, Buddy and Tucker. 

Stories are the backbone of her classroom here at Brookwood Forest. Mrs. Elsberry is a firm believer in having high expectations out of love. She views her students as her own. She is thrilled to have the opportunity to help your children tell their stories and find their voice.