BWF supports dyslexia awareness

  • Brookwood Forest Elementary strives to create a culture of inclusion and acceptance. That’s why the school holds programming such as Dyslexia Awareness Day, which it celebrated on Friday, Oct. 9. 

    “It’s a real point of pride for Rangers in their community, and as a school family, to lift each other up and to realize that everyone matters,” Principal Nathan Pitner said. 

    Students, faculty, and staff wore red — the color associated with dyslexia awareness — to express their support. Earlier in the week, students watched a video about dyslexia and learned about the unique strengths possessed by those who have it. 

    “We were really excited about students getting a fuller picture of ways we can all contribute to a larger community,” Pitner said.

    Brookwood Forest highlights and celebrates a number of differences throughout the school year. All of the programming works together to foster a healthy, welcoming school environment. 

    “When any family comes here, there’s a certain safety and a certain comfort in knowing the emphasis that communally our family at Brookwood Forest puts on accepting and including all students,” Pitner said.

    VIDEO: Brookwood Forest supports dyslexia awareness