• Welcome to Crestline Music!

    We miss you and have video messages in the speech bubbles below.

    Please explore 2-3 activities each week, and make sure you listen, sing, and move to music often!

    Click here to make music with Mrs. Nelson and Mrs. Butler. 

    Don't miss ringing the birthday gong next to the birthday hat. We'll catch up on birthdays when we return to school.

    Have fun!

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  • SeeSaw

    Please start looking for activities in your SeeSaw accounts. Start with Classlink and click on SeeSaw. Look for your music class in the menu on the left when you are logged in with your Google email address, and then click Activities.

    If you need to reach us, we are available through e-mail or (205) 871-8126:

    Laura Butler: butlerl@mtnbrook.k12.al.us

    Janet Nelson: nelsonj@mtnbrook.k12.al.us

    Office Hours: 1:00-2:00 M-F
