• BWF Elementary



    Applications open April 17th and are due by April 28th.  NO Exceptions!


    Instructions for Robotics Team Application:

    Students will fill out this form and create a flip application. 

    Link for 2023-24 Application - https://forms.gle/5EYzUcPeNgYqR9nk9   Don't forget to submit your Flipgrid video as a part of the application process. 

    Here is the link to the Flip grid in case you miss it in the application: 


    You will not be able to see your video once submitted.  

    Students should be able to record on their chromebook and upload to the flipgrid link.  If you are trying to upload from a personal device (phone etc) you need to make sure you choose login with Google and use the student's school gmail account. (for example xxxxxxxx@student.mtnbrook.k12.al.us)   Do NOT create an account - they are just joining this Flipgrid .  Here is  an example video  on how to upload a video to flipgrid as a parent we used for the Talent show - you would need to use the Robotics flipgrid link from above instead of the Talent show one. 




      Mrs. Jennifer Jinnette and Mrs. Sharon Mumm are the faculty coaches for BWF and work alongside Mr. James Salvant at MBJH to support the BWF Robotics team which is a part of MB Robotics.  MB Robotics is a part of the VEXIQ robotic program and competes at a local, state and world level.  Students who can work cooperatively in a group, solve problems, work hard and go above and beyond are great candidates for the team.  This is a competitive team and obligations require attendance at practice, matches and tournaments throughout the year.   The robotic season in the past could start as early as August and go through May.  

    BWF robotics is made up of 4th, 5th and 6th graders.  The team is limited in size due to equipment limitations and the size of room to practice.  The application process this year includes filling out a Google Form and recording on the Flipgrid provided from the application form.  Coaches will ask teachers to write recommendations for students applying for the team.  Please contact Ms. Mumm or Ms. Jinnette if you have any technical difficulties.  All applications will open April 17th  and are due by 3:00 April 28nd with no exceptions. 

    If you have questions, please contact

    Mrs. Jennifer Jinnette - jinnettej@student.mtnbrook.k12.al.us

    Mrs. Sharon Mumm – mumms@student.mtnbrook.k12.al.us