• Art Foundations

    Instructor: Mr. McGowan


    Course Description

    This class is designed to meet the needs of beginning art students. Basic design principles will be taught as well as drawing, painting, printmaking, and sculpture techniques. Students who are confident in their drawing ability, as well as students who feel they are unable to draw, are encouraged to express themselves to their utmost potential.



    1-Sketch book (8.5 X 11) * Can be purchased at the MBJH store

    1- Eraser

    1- Ruler

    2 -Drawing pencils (can be a #2 pencil or a HB drawing pencil. No mechanical pencils.)

    1- Fine Tip Sharpie (Black)

    2- Rolls of Paper Towels


    Learning Targets:

    Students will:

    • Learn the Elements of Art and Principles of Design and how to use them to create and critique works of art.

    • Elements of Art: line, shape, color, value, form, texture, space

    • Principle of Design: balance, contrast, emphasis, movement, pattern, and rhythm

    • Understand how to use the terms correctly when looking at and describing works of art.

    • Select and combine art elements and principles to achieve a desired effect when creating a work of art.

    • Learn and understand how to use a variety of media to create original work of art.

    • Understand how to use art tools and materials correctly to expand technical skills.

    • Be able to apply techniques and problem solving during the creative process and understand the influences they have on a finished work of art.

    • Be able explain and evaluate the steps involved in the process of producing a work of art.

    • Learn to use your personal artistic voice to express ideas, moods, and feeling through art.

    • Organize the elements and principles to express an intended idea, mood, or feeling.

    • Learn the influences of individuals, communities, and cultures on art history.

    • Understand the relationships of works of art to their cultural, social, and historical context.

    • Distinguish works of art from different time periods and cultures based off their common and unique characteristics.

    • Analyze cultural and social perspectives of art and the influences of particular artists and works of art throughout art history.




    • Student’s grade will come from the following: Studio projects, class participation/ work habits, sketchbook assignments, and written assignments. 
    • All studio projects will be worth 100 points each and will be evaluated on effort, craftsmanship, creativity, composition, meeting objectives, and improvement.
    • Sketchbook assignments will be worth 50 points each. See Sketchbook Assignment handout for rubric.  

    Classroom Policies and Expectations: 

    1. RESPECT your classmates, your teacher, and your classroom at all times.
    2. BE PREPARED FOR CLASS! You must have a drawing pencil, your sketchbook, and an eraser every day.  Please use the restroom BEFORE coming to class. 
    3. DO NOT BE LATE TO CLASS. Tardiness is disruptive and disrespectful.  If you are late you must sign the tardy log before going to your seat. Four tardies will result in detention.
    4. ATTENDANCE is very important! Almost all objectives for this class will be met during class time. If a class is missed, all work should be promptly made up. You can make arrangements with Mr. McGowan to make up work during AO. Any work, with the exception of studio projects, assigned prior to an absence will still be due on the assigned dates regardless of absences. If the absence is on the day the assignment is due, the student will be responsible for turning in work on the day he/she returns to school. It is the student’s responsibility to ask for missed work.
    5. DEADLINES will be given for each project. If you do not have your work completed by the deadline your grade will be reduced by 5 pts for every day it is late. If you were absent you can have one day for each absence added to the deadline.
    6. PARTICIPATE IN CLASS. Part of your grade comes from your class participation and work habits. Work hard in class every day, participate in class discussion, and do not distract others from their work.
    7. LEAVING THE CLASSROOM: You must ask permission to leave the classroom for any reason. If you have permission, you must sign out on the clipboard before leaving.
    8. BE SAFE AT ALL TIMES. Use all materials, equipment, and other supplies appropriately. Do not roll around or raise/drop the chairs, throw anything, or intentionally put someone in harm’s way. Horse playing of any kind will result in immediate disciplinary action. 
    9. CLEAN UP. You will be assigned a weekly classroom-cleaning job. You are responsible for fulfilling your cleaning duty daily.
    10. NO FOOD IN CLASS. You can have bottled water as long as it has a top on it. If you must eat something during class for any special reasons, you must get permission from the teacher.
    11. PHONES/IPADS/ELECTRONIC DEVICES are not allowed in class unless you have permission from the teacher to use it for classwork. If you are caught using your device in class, it will be taken up and turned in to the office. You will not be able to pick it up until school has been dismissed.
    12. MBJH STUDENT CODE OF CONDUCT. All rules listed in the MBJH Student Code of Conduct apply in this class.



    Art Foundations

    Mr. McGowan 

    Please complete and return this page to Mr. McGowan.


    I agree to comply with the rules of this class and the rules of the MBJH Behavior Code.

    Student Name (please print) ________________________________________________

    Student Signature ______________________________________Date _____________



    I will encourage my child to follow the rules of this class and the MBJH Behavior Code.

    Parent Name (please print) __________________________________________________

    Parent Signature ____________________________________Date ________________

    Daytime Phone: ____________________________________

    Evening Phone: _____________________________________

    Email Address: _____________________________________