Phone: (205) 414-3700 ext 7124


Degrees and Certifications:

Ph.D. Lesley University M.Ed. Lesley University B.S. University of Alabama-Birmingham National Board Certified Teacher

Dr. John Woolard

My name is John Woolard and this is my 22nd year in education and my eighth year in Mountain Brook Schools. I've served in various roles throughout my teaching career, but being in the classroom with students is where I find my purpose being fulfilled.

When I’m not teaching I love being with my family and creating memories. Two of my favorite places to be are in the woods or on the water (ocean or lake). I don't claim to be great at it, but I enjoy building things and working in the garden. I’m passionate about learning and I’m always seeking ways to improve what I’m doing. This is true in my personal and professional life.

While there are so many things I enjoy doing, I really enjoy sharing what I do with others and helping them find success.