• You can set one of your videos to be the display/main video for your channel only WHEN someone uses your pre-tuned link to access your page. (If you create a pre-tuned link to your channel and post it on your webpage, or if you email someone your pre-tuned link.) If  user accessed Eduvision from the district link or goes directly to MBS Eduvision, the default video will be whatever your site's Eduvision Admin has chosen. 
    Here's how:
    1. Login in to your Eduvision account.
    2. Click Admin/Asset Management/Review-Approve Asset.
    3. Click Edit next to the video you want to be your display video for your pre-tuned link.
    4. Click the Other Options tab as shown below.
    5. Next to the Set Pretuned link option, chose your channel from the drop down menu.
    6. Click Save/Upload Changes.
    Hint: You can also get your Pretuned link URL from this screen as well if you click the link that says "Click here to get Pretuned Link".
    pretuned link default video image  
Last Modified on July 19, 2016