Parent’s for Megan’s Law
Parents For Megan's Law, Inc. (PFML) is a not-for-profit 501 (c)(3) national community and victims' rights organization dedicated to the prevention and treatment of childhood sexual abuse through the provision of education, advocacy, counseling, policy, and legislative support services.
PFML provides assistance to parents and parent organizations, schools and child care centers, community organizations, and residents about ways to effectively and responsibly manage Megan's Law high risk sex offender notifications on a community level, and raise awareness about the public's right to information under Megan's Law.
Information about registered sex offenders is available on the PFML web site. Parents can register and receive an e-mail notification through the PFML Alert System each time the Suffolk or Nassau County Police Department is aware that a moderate or high risk sex offender has moved into the surrounding neighborhood.
Downloadable forms are available on the PFML website at or parents may call the help line to have a form mailed or faxed to their homes at (631) 689-2672.