District Council
Email the District Council
Executive Council
Kim J. Barnett |
Vice Presidents
Amy Levine & Alecia Whitaker Pace |
Dave Floccari
Corresponding Secretary
Stacey Tyson Tracy |
Recording Secretary
Donna Patron |
1. Bylaws are to be reviewed and revised every three years. Council bylaws must be approved by an INSTRUCTED VOTE of 2/3 member units. Refer to bylaws for specifics. After approved by the units, the required number of copies are sent to the district bylaws chairman.
2. Council bylaws should indicate the number of delegates per unit, unit dues to the council, and the voting body of council.
3. A council procedure book should include procedures for officers and chairmen and other information to supplement its bylaws.
4. PTA supports issues, not candidates.
5. Guests may not vote or make motions at any council meeting. They may speak only with the approval of the voting body.
6. Committee plans should be approved by the executive board or according to council bylaws.
7. When speaking for the council, be sure your answers are accurate and reflect the PTA position and NOT your opinion.
8. Money spent must appear in the council budget and be approved by the voting body.
9. Treasurer's books must be audited annually in accordance with bylaws.
10. PTA may not fund raise for, or donate to, other organizations.
11. PTA should not give gifts to schools. Items needed by the school should be requested through the school district budget.
12. A council should have its own tax exempt number to use when purchases are made for council. Tax should not be paid on items purchased for PTA use.
13. Contracts should not be signed until approved by the council.
14. Supplies (paper cups, copy paper, etc.) may be ordered in quantity at a savings to council and local units.
15. Files are the property of PTA, NOT personal property.
Goals of the PTA
- To promote the welfare of children and youth in home, school, community and place of worship
- To raise the standards of home life
- To secure adequate laws for the care and protection of children and youth
- To bring into closer relation the home and the school that parents and teachers may cooperate intelligently in the education of the child
- To develop between educators and the general public such united efforts as will secure for every child the highest advantages in physical, mental, social and spiritual education.