Standards of Eligibility for Athletics
Mineola has a policy of “Academic Standards for Participation for Extracurricular Activities”. The purpose of this policy is to encourage academic success. A student’s first responsibility is the successful completion of his/her academic requirements. We believe that participation in extracurricular activities is an integral part of a child’s educational experience and can provide additional motivation, but it is a privilege that is earned.
Students failing 2 or more classes are put on probation and may be removed from teams. A committee reviews the grades of all students interested in participation in any extracurricular activity each quarter to ensure eligibility for activities each season.
School administration, guidance counselors, coaches and teachers work cooperatively to provide appropriate academic monitoring and to enforce attendance at after-school help and study centers. School guidance counselors and administrators are available to speak with you, should you have any questions or concerns. We are confident that the shared efforts of the home and school will effectively combine to promote each student’s academic and extracurricular success.