Speech Therapy
A student with a Speech or language impairment is one who has a communication disorder, such as stuttering, impaired articulation, a language impairment, or a voice impairment.
Speech impairments include:
- Articulation: where the child produces sounds incorrectly
- Fluency: where a child’s flow of speech is disrupted by sounds, syllables and words that are repeated, prolonged or avoided or where they may be silent blocks, inappropriate inhalation, exhalation or phonation patterns
- Voice: where the child’s voice has an abnormal quality to its pitch, resonance or loudness
Language impairments where the child has problems expressing needs, ideas or information and or/in understanding what others say
Helpful Links:
American Speech and Hearing Association
Speech and Language Team
- Colt Elementary / Highland Lakes Elementary
- Colt Elementary / Marble Falls Middle School
- Highland Lakes Elementary / Spicewood Elementary
Showing results for "Professor named Smith at Elementary School" |
- Alexandra Block
- Jenni Mattox
- Desi McCormick
- Rita Piotrowski
- Shelley Tennyson
- Emily Weaver
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