- Madison City Schools
- First Class Pre-K
First Class Pre-K
The Madison City School System's philosophy of Early Childhood Education for four-year olds is based on the belief that a commitment to children in providing a developmentally appropriate education establishment on principles of child development and learning supported by research, will provide lasting benefits for children, families, and society.
The Pre-Kindergarten teachers use a scientific research based curriculum that is developmentally appropriate, and implemented with attention to the different needs, interests, abilities, learning styles, and developmental levels of the individual children. The curriculum guides experiences to promote student progress towards the specific benchmarks outlined in the eight domains of child development described in the OSR (Office of School Readiness) Performance Standards.
Why High Quality Pre-K?
Children who Participate in High-Quality Pre-K:
- Demonstrate higher academic achievement
- Are less likely to repeat a grade
- Less likely to require special education classes
- More likely to graduate from high school
- More likely to enroll in college
- Less likely to participate in criminal activity during their juvenile or adult years
- Less likely to be victims of child maltreatment or neglect
- As adults, are less likely to be unemployed
- More likely to have higher earnings than similar students who do not participate in Pre-K
- Less likely to depend on public assistance, become teenage parents, or endanger their health by smoking
First Class Pre-K Requirements:
- Programs shall operate at least 180 days each year and at least 6.5 hours a day.
- Each classroom shall meet DHR Child Care Licensing Standards.
- Each classroom shall have no more than 18 students with a 9:1 student to staff ratio.
For more information regarding First Class Pre-K, contact: