LUDLOW PUBLIC SCHOOLS  |  205 FULLER STREET  |   LUDLOW, MA  01056  |  PHONE 413-583-8372    |   FAX 413-583-5666  

It is the policy of the Ludlow Public Schools to close or delay the opening of school in cases of extreme weather or travel conditions.  The Superintendent of Schools will make the decision about a school closing or delayed opening (standard two-hour delay) after consultation with the the Ludlow DPW and/or Ludlow Police Department.  Every effort will be made to make the decision by 5:45 a.m.

In the event that school is cancelled or delayed the Ludlow Public Schools will provide notice for parents via the following:

Delayed Opening

In the event of a delayed opening, school will open two (2) hours after the regular starting time. School will be dismissed at the usual time on delayed opening days. If there is a delayed opening, no breakfast will be served on those days and there will be NO MORNING PRESCHOOL.

Occasionally a delayed opening will later be revised to a no school announcement, if conditions worsen or fail to improve.  Notification to parents will be announced by an additional phone message as well as posted on the TV and social media sites.

Emergency Dismissal

In the event that an emergency early dismissal is required, the Ludlow Public Schools will make every effort to contact parents/guardians via phone, email, news outlets and social media.

Parents are encouraged to develop a family emergency plan with their children. This plan should address the following issues:

Early Release Times for Schools

11:45p.m.- Ludlow High School

12:15p.m. - Paul R. Baird Middle School

12:45p.m. - Elementary Schools

No preschool

Half-Day Release Times for Schools

10:20a.m. - Ludlow High School 

10:50a.m. - Paul R. Baird Middle School 

11:20a.m. - Elementary Schools 

No preschool

2-Hour Delay Start Times for Schools

9:25a.m. - Ludlow High School

10:10a.m. - Paul R. Baird Middle School

10:50a.m. - Elementary Schools