• School Community Council Minutes

    April 16, 2024



    Present: Jessica Higginbotham, Ton Gibbons John Louviere, Kathy C., Don Darrington, Shane Jones, Blake Tubbs, Sheri Egbert, Amanie Crosbie, Melanie Daines, Ryan Grunig, Stephanie Thatcher, Connie Rawlins, Kathy Bullen



    We were welcomed by John.  Sheri motioned to approve the Minutes from the last meeting. John seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

    John asked if we need help with anything for graduation.  Amanie said that the graduation committee has everything planned and organized.


    1. Trustland and TSSA Plans                                                            

    Shane has shared the direction the school is going.  There has a been a big push to simplify the process of the Trustland Plans and approvals. Our plan  has been approved by Kathy Christiansen and passed with flying colors. The state has provided a rubric for them to use which has made it easier. 

    We have flip flopped the Trustland and TSSA plans because they better meet our goals.

    Part of our TSSA Plan is to improve our test scores. The number of students in our AP classes and testing has gone up. Stephanie mentioned that she has encouraged her students to do concurrent more instead of AP.  Shane said we need to push the rigor up and that is better done with the AP classes. Jessica said sometimes the student’s schedules restricts taking some classes.  Shane talked about Park City High School and the number of students in AP classes. John said it is like comparing apples and oranges.  Toni mentioned that Ridgeline has more students taking concurrent than any other in the district.  AP classes are suggested for out of state college bound students. Shane continued saying that our regular classes should have rigor.  Students need to work harder and be here.  We need a different mindset.  We need to have both AP and Concurrent.  If students take AP, students are more academically prepared for college.  Kathy C. said concurrent does save time and money. 

    Shane said we don’t want either at the expense of either, but options for both. Toni said if students plan well, with concurrent and AP, they can have a General Ed certificate by the time they graduate. 

    Shane’s goal is just to raise the rigor in the student’s classes.

    Our Trustland Plan includes the following:

    1. Raising the scores on ASPIRE test.
    2. Increase our ACT Composite score
    3. Increasing scores on ACT for post readiness (18+)
    4. Increase number of  students in AP and concurrent

    Shane talked about how Park City school district students do summer classes to help prepare for academic rigor. Sheri said that Brevin did summer classes, but they were the elective type classes.  Our district typically has done just credit recovery in the summer. Shane believes that our students need to start sooner, so we have concurrent and AP classes now available for Freshmen. Kathy Christiansen said her daughter works as an advisor at Weber state and they meet with all of the high school students. They are funded by grants. Stephanie said that it would help the students to have an advisor to help them plan out. This mentality needs to be accessible to every student. Blake said the counseling dept has done a better job helping students with post high planning, not always necessarily college though. He also addressed Sheri’s concern about counseling help for summer courses. They are working within the district to do own summer courses having teachers at the school doing the classes.  Toni said USU will be doing some online summer concurrent classes.

    Instructional Leadership teams and PLCs are a big component of the Trustland Plan.  We also use the funds to pay a Data manager, some FTE’s and a summer college prep course with Christa Bell

    The TSSA plan  will be more like our Trustland Plan was last year.

    We don’t have official scores out yet for the ASPIRE test but two years ago our ACT was 19.1- our lowest.  We have increased scores for 3 years in a row and was up to 21.6. The English test scores have jumped the highest.

    1. Safety/Earthquake Drill                                                                           

    We are having an Earthquake Drill today doing 1-minute Drop, Cover Hold on.  Won’t evacuate because we had a fire alarm and evacuated already.

    We are updating our School Emergency Response Plan. 

    Kathy asked how we do a reunification plan at a high school level and how we address the students that drive? Blake displayed the plan showing the gathering area in the Spectator gym. The students driving is something that we need to work on.  Some decisions might need to be made at the moment depending on the emergency.  We will also will use church across church if needed.

    1. End of Year Schedule                                                                   

    Amanie said that the Senior Signs were ordered and have been delivered here.  We will divide and conquer to distribute to students. The big question no is how to pay for them?  Not everyone has same opinion on whether they are needed.  We will pay a little from Bold and Blue and the Senior Class account and see what is needed from there. We have talked about having parents purchase at the beginning of the year. And have options for those who would like but couldn’t pay.

    John said parents he talked to said they didn’t care either way. If parents purchase, then split parents could buy 2, or would be easier to deal with any other issues. That would be a good transition, to do it by market demand.  Jessica thought that it should be all or nothing.  Because there are parents that care or don’t care.  We will plan on addressing the issue early in the year next year.

    The schedule for the last week of school. The week before is senior week and testing week.

    1. Openings on Council/Elections                                                  

    Shane said that we will have elections in the fall, and will give us summer to recruit to replace the members that are leaving this year.

    We won’t plan on meeting in May.  We have been spending a lot of time on hiring for next year.  We have hired a new drill coach and girl’s soccer coach and  will be hiring a new Math, English and Science teachers. We have 27 applicants for English, 18 for math, and 14 for science.


    John thanked Admin for their work on the Trustland plan.

    Meeting was adjourned until September.