March 2024 Minutes

  • Mountainside Elementary School Community Council


    Monday, March 4, 2024 3:45 PM

    Mountainside Library

    Meeting Minutes


    Welcome! KaDee Rawlinson

    In Attendance: Whitney Fletcher, KaDee Rawlinson, Cam Amott, Christy Oldham, Melissa Anderson, Jen Wivietsky, Wendy Osborne, Kerry Harris, Shelby Jackson, Teresa Myers


         Motion to approve: Wendy Osborne      2nd:  Cam Amott     Voting: All in favor

    Cam Amott

    1. Trustland and TSSA Budget Review

    Mountainside Trustland Budget as of Feb. 29, 2024

    Paraprofessionals *

    Allocated $50,650

    Spent $33,633.87

    Balance $17,016.13

    General Supply

    Allocated $1,840

    Spent $0.00

    Balance $1,840


    Allocated $12,261

    Spent $11,746.50

    Balance $514.50


    Allocated $2,100

    Spent $1,720

    Balance $380


    Allocated $66,851

    Spent $46,434.57

    Balance $20,416.43


    Mountainside TSSA Budget as of Feb. 29, 2024

    Paraprofessionals *

    Allocated $55,950

    Spent $27,029.91

    Balance $28,920.09

    Counselor Salary Supplement

    Allocated $12,293

    Spent $12,293

    Balance $0


    Allocated $8,564

    Spent $8,564

    Balance $0


    Allocated $2,500

    Spent $2,500

    Balance $0


    Allocated $79,307

    Spent $50,386.91

    Balance $28,920.09



    1. Propose 24-25 School Improvement Plan (trustlands plan)


    Mountainside School Improvement Plan 2024-2025 School Year

    Goal 1: Reading

    -Kindergarten through fifth grade students will show growth on the Acadience Reading Pathways of Progress. 

    -Sixth grade students will show typical or above typical growth on the Acadience MAZE Pathways of Progress.


    Academic Areas



                K-5: The progress for typical or above typical growth will be 70% or higher at the Mid-Year Acadience Pathways of Progress.

                6th Grade: The progress for typical or above typical growth will be 69% or higher at the Mid-Year MAZE Acadience Pathways of Progress.


    Action Plan Steps

    1. Funds of $62,000 will be allocated to hire four paraprofessionals to administer tiered reading interventions to small groups ($62,000). 
    2. Teachers will work with students to help them set goals to read or be read to for 20 minutes nightly. Students will use the school’s library to find books of interest. The school will recognize students who are meeting their reading goal ($750).
    3. Materials will be purchased to provide paraprofessionals with supplies to run their groups. These materials may include research based programs targeting reading improvement and will be used to deliver direct instruction. Some of the research-based programs that will be utilized, but are not limited to include: Saxon Phonics, Reading Mastery, Corrective Reading, Readers for All Learners and the Early Reading Inventory program. ($242.57).
    4. Teachers will utilize chromebooks to provide students access to online language arts curriculum. Chromebooks will also be used to enhance audio and visual representation of concepts being taught by teachers and paraprofessionals (29 chromebooks $8,497), (29 chromebook licenses $1,885).
    5. Bi-weekly PLCs will be held to discuss student data, especially for students who do not score at benchmark on the Acadience assessment. Teachers and/or paraprofessionals will provide Tier II small group reading instruction for students who have been identified that have the greatest need during PLCs. 
    6. Monthly and Bi-Weekly Progress Monitoring assessments will be used to measure the growth of students near or below benchmark. Special focus will be given to K-3 students.





    Estimated Cost

    Salaries and Employee Benefits (100 and 200)

    1.  Funds of $62,000 will be allocated to hire four paraprofessionals to administer tiered reading interventions ($62,000). 


    Software (670)

    2.  Follett/Mitnet software will be purchased to run the circulation desk in the school’s library.


    General Supplies (610)

    3. Materials will be purchased to provide paraprofessionals with supplies to run their groups. These materials may include research based programs targeting reading improvement and will be used to deliver direct instruction. Some of the research-based programs that will be utilized, but are not limited to include: Saxon Phonics, Reading Mastery, Corrective Reading, Readers for All Learners and the Early Reading Inventory program. ($242.57).


    Technology Related Hardware/Software (< $5,000 per item) (650)

    4.  Teachers will utilize chromebooks to provide students access to online language arts curriculum. Chromebooks will also be used to enhance audio and visual representation of concepts being taught by teachers and paraprofessionals.   The expenditure for technology supply will be $8,487 (29 chromebooks). 


    Software (670)

    5.  Teachers will utilize chromebooks to provide students access to online language arts curriculum. Chromebooks will also be used to enhance audio and visual representation of concepts being taught by teachers and paraprofessionals.   The expenditure for chromebook software will be $1,885 (29 chromebooks).







    Summary of Estimated Expenditures




    Estimated Cost

    Salaries and Employee Benefits (100 and 200)

    1.  Funds of $62,000 will be allocated to hire four paraprofessionals to administer tiered reading interventions ($62,000). 


    Software (670)

    2.  Follett/Mitnet software will be purchased to run the circulation desk in the school’s library.


    General Supplies (610)

    3. Materials will be purchased to provide paraprofessionals with supplies to run their groups. These materials may include research based programs targeting reading improvement and will be used to deliver direct instruction. Some of the research-based programs that will be utilized, but are not limited to include: Saxon Phonics, Reading Mastery, Corrective Reading, Readers for All Learners and the Early Reading Inventory program. ($242.57).


    Technology Related Hardware/Software (< $5,000 per item) (650)

    4.  Teachers will utilize chromebooks to provide students access to online language arts curriculum. Chromebooks will also be used to enhance audio and visual representation of concepts being taught by teachers and paraprofessionals.   The expenditure for technology supply will be $8,487 (29 chromebooks). 


    Software (670)

    5.  Teachers will utilize chromebooks to provide students access to online language arts curriculum. Chromebooks will also be used to enhance audio and visual representation of concepts being taught by teachers and paraprofessionals.   The expenditure for chromebook software will be $1,885 (29 chromebooks).






    Funding Estimates




    Estimated Carry-over from the 23-24 Trustland Budget


    Estimated Distribution in 2024-2025


    Total ESTIMATED Available Funds for 2024-2025


    Summary of Estimated Expenditures for 2024-2025


    Total ESTIMATED Carry Over to 2025-2026



    Funding Changes

    If we receive increased distributed funds we will use them to increase our reading paraprofessional time to service more students as addressed in goal one of our plan.



    -School Newsletter

    -School Website




    Motion to Approve:   Kerry Harris              2nd: Jen Wivietsky          Voting: All in favor






    1. Propose goals for 24-25 TSSA Plan


    TSSA Plan - Goal Options

    PBIS Goal #1 

    By May of 2025, Mountainside Elementary School will conduct a student well-being screener in grades K-6 for fall, winter, and spring to assist with identifying students who may benefit from behavioral or social/emotional support from a school counselor.


    Math Goal #2

    Kindergarten: The median progress for typical or above typical growth will be 62% or higher at the Mid-Year Acadience Math assessment. 

    1-6 Grades:The median progress for typical or above typical growth will be 60% or higher at the Mid-Year diagnostic on the iReady assessment.

    Reading Goal #3
    K-5: The progress for typical or above typical growth will be 70% or higher at the Mid-Year Acadience Pathways of Progress.

    6th Grade: The progress for typical or above typical growth will be 69% or higher at the Mid-Year MAZE Acadience Pathways of Progress.




    Estimated Cost

    Salaries and Employee Benefits 

    1.  Funds of $18,000 will be allocated to supplement our school counselor, Ms. Ranee, salary ($18,000). 


    Salaries and Employee Benefits 

    2.  Funds of $48,000 will be allocated to hire three paraprofessionals to administer tiered reading interventions ($48,000).



    3. Teachers will implement the iReady My Path program in grades 1-6. Ten to fifteen minutes will be spent daily to address gaps in students' learning ($3,500).



    4. The Accelerated Reader (AR) program will be purchased and implemented to provide students an opportunity to take reading comprehension quizzes on the books they read. (Purchased for 3 years)



    5. Updates to teacher computers, projectors, and sound systems will be provided from TSSA funds.





    1. School Community Council Election for 2024-2025


    Election To Do’s

    1. Vote on the number of seats on our community council (must have 2 more parents that staff, minimum of 6).
    2. Adapt bylaws to reflect the changes made to our election process and seats available.
    3. Notify Stakeholders of open positions for for School Community Council. Ask for them to notify Mr. Amott if they are interested in running.
    4. If there are more applicants than positions available, a notification will be sent to stakeholders 10 days prior to the vote that they have the opportunity to vote on School community council members.
    5. Hold voting at the school.
    6. Notify stakeholders of the community council members for the upcoming school year.


    Other Concerns/Open Forum


    Council members were concerned about not having math paraprofessionals.  Cam is currently looking into getting a grant so that we can pay for a math paraprofessional.


    Motion to Adjourn:   Christy Oldham        2nd: Whitney Fletcher          Voting: All in favor


    Next meeting: April 8, 2024 at 3:45 PM, in the library


    Council Meeting Dates: May 6 (if necessary)