School Community Council
February 13, 2024
Present: Ryan Grunig, Toni Gibbons, Don Darrington, John Louviere, Connie Rawlins, Janine Justis, Summer Gunn, Jessica Higginbotham, Sarah Nelson Hallock, Sheri Egbert, Brady Fonnesbeck, Shane Jones, Kathy Christiansen, Kathy Bullen
We were welcomed by John. Toni motioned to approve the minutes from last month. Janine seconded the motion. All were in favor.
Friday Professional Development/ELL training.
Shane talked about the Inservice planned for Friday’s Professional Development day. One of our goal is to work with the ELL population and possibly will be seeing more refugees coming to Sky View. We will start the Inservice with the movie “The Good Lie” which is about African refugees that come to US and the challenges they face. We want to tell a story and to understand what these students bring to a classroom. We had a fight on a bus last Friday between a Hispanic girl and an ELL student. Knowing their history changed how we dealt with the students. This is the purpose of the movie. We will have a follow up discussion and training on ELL students afterwards.
Jessica asked how would teachers know if there is any history of anything with students. Shane said there are certain flags on PowerSchool, but not for mental health or any trauma. Communication is the key. All of our ELL students are in a program with Anna Barkle.
Kathy Christiansen mentioned that the Center for Refugees in Logan is now in charge of all of them in the state of Utah. This could possibly mean we might be getting more refugees in the valley.
Shane said that any of the committee members are welcome to join for the Inservice on Friday.
Toni expressed appreciation to Shane and leadership for their direction on these items.
Trustland Final Report
Shane reminded everyone that when this Administration came on, they made changes in an amendment to the Trustland Plan for that year. Some of the changes were funding the Student Success Center, lower class sizes in core classes, offer more AP classes. Also included was Software for the Habitudes course for RCK Academy. We also put some money into personnel for math tutors and a parent liaison.
Goal #1 was to increase the graduation pass rate. Shane shared some statistics that showed that 9th graders were more on track than 10th and 11th. The number of students getting F’s has decreased so we are headed in right direction. Attendance has improved as well. We need to zero in on certain kids with problem attendance.
Goals #2 & 3 focus on the ASPIRE and ACT test scores. Students with a composite score of 18 or less are not college ready. This is one goal we won’t make this year. 50% of the students complete the ACT prep class. Only 41% last year were engaged.
Brady said that the first year they assigned students by alphabet, but this year they assigned groups by GPA. This way teachers could spend more time with the engaged students.
On our Aspire testing scores, some areas dropped a little but we are still above state average.
Next month we’ll show exact numbers on report.
Final Report from last year submitted this week.
We will be submitting the final report on last year’s plan and then we will start the plan for next year.
On our current school plan, Goal #1 is increasing our graduation rate focusing on 9th graders. 95% are on track by sophomore year.
We have hired a teacher and have offered team taught classes in SpEd, and ELL
We have also hired an RCK academy coordinator (Joy Gonzales) and will have some summer training for RCK teachers. We are still using our Student Success Center with Stu Howell.
Our goals will be similar for next year but there will be one change for next year. The Social Workers grant is done, so more money will come from Trustland next year. We are committed to have a social worker on staff. Having Janae at the school is invaluable.
Goal #2 is the same as the past, focusing on ELL and SpEd. We have put a lot into this year but need to see results for this year before we do a plan for next year.
Summer asked if the co-taught classes are available for all grade levels? Connie replied that is for 9th ,10th and 11th for Math and 9th for English. We need extra help in non-core classes. Connie said that new teachers coming in are trained better so that is good.
Shane said that Sky View is being audited this year on our Trustland Plan and he has a questionnaire that he needs to fill out that will be done this week.
Next year’s plan will be on the next meeting agenda
The meeting was adjourned until March 19th.