• General Rules/Expectations for Intramurals

    1. No food or drink in the gym.
    2. No climbing/standing on bleachers, on railings, basketball hoops, etc.
    3. No roughhousing, including but not limited to pushing, wrestling, diving, fighting over balls/sports equipment, etc.
    4. No hanging out in the stairwells on either side of the gym.
    5. No throwing balls/equipment at other students.
    6. At the end of intramurals, everyone helps clean up the equipment, returning it to its proper place.
    7. No students in the equipment closet unless given permission by Mr. Shakespear or another teacher/whoever is running intramurals.
    8. No foul language including swearing, name calling, and trash talking.
    9. No hazing or bullying.


    Intramurals are a privilege. You will get one warning if you violate the rules. If it happens again, you will be asked to leave intramurals for the day. If problems persist, you may be asked not to return to intramurals permanently. With so many students in the gym at the same time, we have to make sure that everyone is safe and acting appropriately.


    Thank you for making intramurals a positive experience!