• Green Canyon Community Council

    January 16, 2024


    Meeting called to order 7:05am

    Members in attendance:  Rhonda Wright, Julie Olsen, Ruth Seedall, Nicole Oksness, Rachel Merkley, Matt Fuller, Wyatt McDaniel, Monica Edelmayer, Phil Morris, Deedra Hinds, Jim Crosbie, Gordon Geddes, Shannon Walker, Mike Isaacson.

    Guests: Terri Rhodes


    Motion to approve minutes from November meeting: Matt Fuller, Seconded by Nicole Oksness


    Welcome Jim Crosbie:  GC is a great school with great kids doing great things!


    Counselor update: Deedra Hinds- Pack PIck Days was last week and was a success.  Teachers talk about their classes so students know what they are signing up for and generate interest.  400 students filled out surveys about the activity:  50% are influenced by Pack Picks, 35% are kind of influenced because of attending.  PCCR meetings start today, meet with counselors to register for classes.   Youscience is a resource the students begin using in Freshman Academy and the counselors refer to over the next four years.  It helps determine possible careers using both interests and aptitudes.  The counselors use it to direct students to current classes that can help them prepare for potential training/schooling/careers in the future.


    Tier Two intervention plan related to Trustlands:The administration is working hard to ensure they have good relationships and understand the role of everyone at the school.  They recently mapped out various responsibilities that fall under the counseling office and where the funding comes from for the different programs.  Some of these are funded through Trustlands.  Through Tier Two interventions, the administration is trying to meet the needs of all of the student body- those who are completely  independent to those who need regular guidance.  


    Parent Teacher Conferences:  Signups start today for meetings on Monday 12pm-6pm.  The time slots are in ten minute increments.  A comment was made that the five minutes in the past is not long enough so they are trying the ten minute appointment.  This gives teachers 30 slots to see parents and students throughout the day. . . .perhaps not enough, but a balance  between too short and more slots.  


    School Success:   Phil and Gordon reported on various activities and groups throughout the school.  The cheer, drill, and sports teams are all doing well.  The Exec students go and visit other schools each year to share ideas and learn from each other.  This year for the first time, GC students felt like they had more to share than to take back with them.  The school has really established great traditions and activities.  We are on our way out of TSI probation, we are on the right trajectory.  


    Matt Fuller mentioned some activities taking place at/with Bridgerland.  They are visiting Texas Instruments later this month and have a major career fair in April.  Bridgerland is a great resource for our students.


    7:55 Meeting adjourned