• School Community Council Minutes

    November 21, 2023



    Present: Shane Jones, Brady Fonnesbeck, Amanie Crosbie, Janine Justis, Connie Rawlins, Toni Gibbons, Stefani Thatcher, Jessica Higginbotham, Sheri Egbert, Melanie Chambers, John Louviere, Teri Rhodes, Kathy Christiansen, Kathy Bullen


    We were welcomed by John Louviere.  A motion was made by Toni to approve the Minutes from the September meeting.  It was seconded by Connie.  All were in approval.


    1. Aspire test results and ACT Prep: Brady reviewed the data from the Aspire and ACT test from the last two years.  There was a jump in the Aspire testing in the Language Arts from 49% to 61% and from 44% to 50% in Math. The ACT scores jumped from 65% to 74%  Teri Rhodes asked if that was indicative of the teaching from North Cache? We will be doing the ACT Prep class again with the Juniors this year that will start in December.  Teri asked if very many opt out of either the Aspire or ACT.  Janine said it feels like a lot, but more do on the Aspire than the ACT. We have a 95.3% participation rate.  We are looking at how to schedule students taking the Aspire.  We will send information out the parents about the test and let them know that tis a predictive ACT test.  Connie said that all of the Math 3 students have signed upon Schmoop – and ACT test prep site. Data shows those that finished the course increased their scores on the ACT. The average composite scores on the ACT for the past 3 years have consistently risen (19.1%, 20.4% 21.1%)  We had a 4 point jump in English over 3 years.  The English department has been working hard in their PLC’s to help the students.

    Brady talked about the ILT team that we have implemented this year – a collective teacher advocacy group.  If we work together, it is better on kids than separately. 

    The Team meetings (PLC’s) groups will change each trimester depending on what is being taught.  They are making goals and working on team dynamics.  Connie said it has been good for keeping teachers focused.

    1. Cat Canvas/Student Survey: The Exec Council has started a Cat Canvas page that has information for the school on. We had the students login in to their Canvas page to become familiar with it and to vote on the School Constitution and a Student Survey about school climate, well being etc.  Information about that survey was emailed to the parents. The Survey is done by Panorama, a data managing tool.
    2. Rules of Order and Procedure Approval: This is need to be approved by the council every year.  A copy of the Rules of Order and Procedure was distributed.  John motioned to approve and Stephanie seconded the motion.  All were in approval.  Jessica mentioned that we can add anything to that if we wanted to.
    3. Other: Shane said that Sky View is up for Accreditation next year.  It will be operations as usual, but the council may be asked to help with some things.

    Shane will be presenting information about Sky View to the School Board on December 6th. This is just an accountability piece for the District.

    Jessica asked if anyone had seen the production of “It’s a Wonderful Life” that Ridgeline did or read the editorial in the newspaper about it? The editorial was critical for how women were portrayed in the play.  A few comments were made about the Musical “Nice Work” that Sky View was doing and was questioned whether the production met Sky View Standards as well as cheerleaders dances & clothing etc or anything that the school does.

    Teri made the comment that the schools have become a cultural battleground.


                Meeting was adjourned until the next meeting, Wednesday, December 19th