November 2023 Minutes
Mountainside Elementary School Community Council
Monday, November 13, 2023 3:45 PM
Mountainside Library
Meeting MinutesWelcome! Daniel Pugmire
In Attendance: Cierra Maughan, Teri White, Mickelle Taylor, Whitney Fletcher, Melissa Anderson, Cam Amott, Daniel Pugmire, Teresa Myers, Sara Tye, Wendy Osborne, KaDee Rawlinson, Jen Wivietsky, Christy Oldham.Minutes
Motion to approve: Mickelle Taylor 2nd: Christy Oldham Voting: All in favor
Sara Tye – Media Specialist
Sara Tye reviewed Mountainside’s Digital Citizenship Plan
Cam Amott
1. Trustland and TSSA Budget ReviewMountainside Trustland Budget as of Oct. 31, 2023
Allocated $50,650
Spent $10,050
Balance $40,600
General Supply
Allocated $1,840
Spent $0.00
Balance $1,840
Allocated $12,261
Spent $8,768.50
Balance $3,474.50
Allocated $2,100
Spent $1,720
Balance $380
Allocated $66,851
Spent $20,538.50
Balance $46,312.50
Mountainside TSSA Budget as of Oct. 31, 2023
Allocated $55,950
Spent $6,920
Balance $49,030
Counselor Salary Supplement
Allocated $12,293
Spent $12,293
Balance $0
Allocated $8,564
Spent $8,564
Balance $0
Allocated $2,500
Spent $2,500
Balance $0
Allocated $79,307
Spent $30,277
Balance $49,030
2. School Report Card
3. Safe Routes Review Concerns/Open Forum
Q: Regarding Safe Routes: Why aren’t we routing the children to the path and then down to the school?
A: We can change the route to have children go to the path. Mr. Amott will update the map with the district.
Larry Jepsen with the district is stepping down and Teri White will be completing his term.Motion to Adjourn: KaDee Rawlinson 2nd: Wendy Osborne Voting: All in favor
Next meeting: Monday, January 8th, 2024 3:45 PM, in the library
Council Meeting Dates: February 5, March 4, April 8, May 6 (if necessary)