October 2023 Minutes

  • Mountainside Elementary School Community Council
    Monday, October 2, 2023 3:45 PM
    Meeting Minutes

    Welcome! Daniel Pugmire

    In Attendance: Christy Oldham, KaDee Rawlinson, Cam Amott, Daniel Pugmire, MickelleTaylor, Whitney Fletcher, Nancy Arcos, Jennifer Wivietsky, Teresa Myers

    Motion to approve: Mickelle Taylor      2nd: Christy Oldham   Voting:All in favor

    Cam Amott
    1. Introduction to School Comunity Council
        a. Overview Video at https://shorturl.at/nwzIT -
        b. What are Utah’s Trustlands? - https://tinyurl.com/2dstzmuu
    2. Review TSSA and Trustlands Plan
    3. Acadience Data Overview

    Kindergarten Fall 22-23

    70% Proficient

    Kindergarten Fall 23-24

    66% Proficient

    1st Grade Fall 22-23

    70%  Proficient

    1st Grade Fall 23-24

    79%  Proficient

    2nd Grade Fall 22-23

    78%  Proficient

    2nd Grade Fall 23-24

    79%  Proficient

    3rd Grade Fall 22-23

    85%  Proficient

    3rd Grade Fall 23-24

    68%  Proficient

    4th Grade Fall 22-23

    81%  Proficient

    4th Grade Fall 23-24

    87%  Proficient

    5th Grade Fall 22-23

    69%  Proficient

    5th Grade Fall 23-24

    74%  Proficient

    6th Grade Fall 22-23

    91%  Proficient

    6th Grade Fall 23-24

    86%  Proficient

    Schoolwide Fall 22-23

    71%  Proficient

    Schoolwide Fall 23-24

    77%  Proficient

    Mountainside Fall Reading Acadience Comparison 22-23 & 23-24

    4. iReady Data Overview

    1st Grade Fall 22-23

    79% Proficient

    1st Grade Fall 23-24

    81%  Proficient

    2nd Grade Fall 22-23

    66%  Proficient

    2nd Grade Fall 23-24

    69%  Proficient

    3rd Grade Fall 22-23

    81% Proficient

    3rd Grade Fall 23-24

    76% Proficient

    4th Grade Fall 22-23

    86%  Proficient

    4th Grade Fall 23-24

    87% Proficient  

    5th Grade Fall 22-23

    81%  Proficient

    5th Grade Fall 23-24

    92%  Proficient

    6th Grade Fall 22-23

    84%  Proficient

    6th Grade Fall 23-24

    84%  Proficient

    Schoolwide Fall 22-23

    79%  Proficient

    Schoolwide Fall 23-24

    82%  Proficient

    Mountainside Fall iReady Math Comparison 22-23 & 23-24


    5. School Safety Plan

    A poster of a safety instructionDescription automatically generated with medium confidence

    6. SCC Training October 3 at 6:00 PM – Zoom https://uetn-org.zoom.us/j/81238686793?pwd=Vk1SSGJaR0d6YlVZSmlobmtMRHhPZz0

    TSSA Plan
    Goal – Fund a portion of Counselor's salary: $17,000
    Goal - $56,000 for additional math support. About 1 paraprofessional per grade.
    Moving forward we are going to push for all day kindergarten. It makes a big difference.

    Other Concerns/Open Forum
    Q: Where is evacuation location?
    A: Out back by the fence and back field.

    Q: In an emergency if the students have to leave the school, where is the location?
    A: Mendon Square. If it’s really bad they would be bussed to the fair grounds.

    Motion to Adjourn: KaDee Rawlinson 2nd: Teresa Myers. Voting: All in favor

    Next meeting: Monday, November 6, 2023 3:45 PM, in the library

    Council Meeting Dates: December 4 (if necessary), January 8, February 5, March 4, April 8, May 6 (if necessary)