September 2023 Minutes
Mountainside Elementary School Community Council
Monday, September 11, 2023 3:45
Meeting MinutesWelcome! Cam Amott
In Attendance: Cam Amott, Daniel Pugmire, Jill Reed, Christy Oldham, Mandy Powell, Teresa Myers, Melissa Anderson, Mickelle Taylor, Scott Rigby, Larry Jeppesen, and Gary Thomas
Mr. Cam Amott
1. Officer Determination
Chair Person: Daniel Pugmire
Vice Chair: KaDee Rawlinson
Secretary: Christy Oldham
Voted in: All in favor
2. Bond Committee- Presented by members of the district office.
The Proposed Solution:
The Proposed bond projects will allow the district to move the sixth grade to middle school, which will relieve overcrowding in all of the elementary schools which are operating over capacity. The Projects will also allow for all-day kindergarten to be fully offered in the elementary schools serving all 27 communities in the district.
Proposed bond projects:
Build a new middle school in Hyde Park
Build a new middle school in Nibley
Build a new elementary school in Hyde Park
Convert Spring Creek Middle School into an elementary school (similar to Cedar Ridge, White Pine and Wellsville Elementary Schools)
Implement safety and security enhancements for each school in the districtNo Tax Rate Increase (There will be no tax rate increase if the bond is approved)
For More info see vote by November 21st .
3. District Strategic Learning Plan – Cache County School Board
4. New Staff Members
Alyssa Wilson 5th Grade, Emily Heath 6th Grade, Morgan Whitman Art, Brittani D’Ewart Computers, Staci Letham Food Service Manager, Theresa Stanton RTI Facilitator.
5. Proposed Meeting Schedule
October 2, November 6, December 4 (if necessary), January 8, February 5, March 4, April 8, May 6 (if necessary).October – Review TSSA and Trustland plans, Fall Acadience data, Fall iReady data, School Safety Plan
November – Budget updates, State Report Card, Digital Citizenship, Safe School Routes
December – If needed
January – iReady growth beginning-of-year to middle-of-year, School PBIS (Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports)
February – Acadience growth beginning-of-year to middle-of-year, Ideas for 24-25 School Improvement goals
March – Budget updates, Technology plan, Propose Trustland Plan (vote)
April – Final budget updates, Propose TSSA Plan,
Motion to approve dates: Christy Oldham 2nd : Mickelle Taylor
Voting: All in favor
6. Introduction to School Community Council
a. Overview Video at
7. Rules of Order and ProcedureRules of Order and Procedure Summary
To promote ethical behavior and civil discourse each council member shall:
• Attend council meetings on time and prepared
• Make decisions with the needs of students as the main objective
• Listen to and value diverse opinions
• Be sure the opinions of those you represent are included in discussions
• Expect accountability and be prepared to be accountable
• Act with integrity
Rules of Procedure
• All meetings are open to the public
• The agenda of each upcoming meeting with draft minutes of the prior meeting will be made available to all council members at least one week in advance.
• Minutes will be kept of all meetings
• The chair conducts the meetings, makes assignments, and requests reports on assignments.
• The council must have a quorum vote. A quorum vote is equal to a majority of council members.
• If a parent member is absent from two consecutive meetings the chair will notify the member that if the member does not attend the next meeting, the council will consider the seat vacant and a member will be appointed.
• Meetings shall be conducted and action taken according to parliamentary procedure.Other Concerns/Open Forum
Question to district members
Q: Will there ever be middle school on the west side of cache valley?
A: No, Elementary schools and not full enough to need a middle school. Also, we can’t build another school on a septic system.Q: What is the time frame for the proposed building?
A: Fall of 2026 for middle schools.
Q: What happens if bond isn’t passed?
A: We will have to add more portable buildings to current schools or go to a year round schedule.
Q: How much is a portable?
A: $400,000 eachMotion to Adjourn: Teresa Myers 2nd: Christy Oldham Voting: All in favor
Next meeting: Monday, October 2, 2023 3:45 PM, in the library