• Community Council

    January 10, 2022 7am

    Main Office Conference Room

    Members in attendance: Dave Swenson, Jim Crosbie, Shane Jones, Cheryl Benson, Ruth Seedall, Nicole Oksness, Heather Taylor,Rachel Merkley, Raquel Bushman, Shannon Walker,Rhonda Wright, Christi Caroll, Grant Calverley, Darren Perkes,Teri Rhodes (School Board Member), Clint Fullmer (counselor)

    Rhonda called the meeting to order at 7:02am and welcomed all in attendance. Approval of the minutes from December will be approved in February when they are available on the website.

    Parent Teacher Conferences: The council discussed preferences in PTC - in the gym vs in classrooms, by appointment vs open format. Parents miss the old format and appreciate some changes. Some parents on the council said they don't have concerns but like to go and get to know the teachers. By appointment only deters them if they don't have a major concern. Christi said she has seen more parents with struggling students with the appointments in the classroom. Additional pros of the current format- you have an appointment and don't wait as long and more private in the classroom than the commons. Nice to have GC on it’s own night, not conflicting with the other schools. Jim suggested that everyday could be a PTC and encouraged good communication with parents and teachers regularly. Thank you PTA for the lunch being provided.

    Graduation: We have a date! May 31 USU Spectrum, we have the 1-6 slot currently and hope any additional schools will be in the morning. The various planning meetings are being held this week to discuss making it more personal ( lit up GC for picture opportunities, signs in students’ yards, parents allowed to get close for pictures), and making parking more convenient (shuttling with school buses). Terri said the current school board is on board with spreading graduations out throughout the weekend.

    Trust Land: By April we will have a plan for next year. Looking at putting resources to math, ELL, and Special Ed. A lot of money goes to decreasing class size- two FTEs can open 24 classes per year. Mastery Connect works with Canvas and gets data to teachers instantly so they can adjust teaching. GC grad rate is 96%. We are based on a 1:32 ratio with some classes being smaller or larger. Interns are helping identify students that are failing classes and working with them during Pack Hour. Dave invited us to think about areas that we may want to address in the plan.

    Other: Clint shared more about the honors program discussed last month. Rigor is the focus, even if GPA goes down a bit. Requirement is 4 or more AP classes or 3 AP with concurrent classes without a GPA standard. 51 current seniors qualify- 15% of class. The students will be honored at graduation, likely with something to wear.

    Teri is the new Utah School Board Association Vice President- CONGRATS! She said our parents should be pleased with the quality of education, our school district continues to improve. 2022-2023 calendar is to be voted on this week. The new addition at GC will be ready for 3rd trimester. There is a building task force being put together to analyze building needs for the district. We got an increase of 750 students district wide this past year, an elementary worth. The hope is there will be a bond passed to add more schools. The south end of the valley is growing faster than the north. Someone asked about boundary realignment, they try to avoid that. Moving 9th grade out of the HS, the administration has really liked them at the HS level. The west side of the valley does not have the infrastructure to support a school.

    Next meeting: Feburary 14, 2022, 7am

    The meeting was adjourned at 8:13a.m