• School Community Council Minutes

    April 18, 2023


    Present: Shane Jones, Brady Fonnesbeck, Amanie Crosbie, Connie Rawlins, Rth Mudrow, Shannon Hougaard, Toni Gibbons, Sara Hallock, Cheryl Peck, Jessica Higginbotham, Melanie Chambers, John Louviere, Summer Gunn, Teri Rhodes, Kathy Christiansen, Kathy Bullen.


    We were welcomed by John. He asked if we followed up on having access to the ACT Prep on Canvas.  Brady said if someone is interested we just need to let him know.                                                                                      

    John also asked if the deadline to have the Trustland Plan changed?  Shane said that Plan should have been done last month, but the ACT Data is just now available.  Teri said they won’t approve plan until this week.  She said we need to find a legislator to sponsor bill to change it.  Teri said it might have something to do with distribution of funds.  If the date is pushed back that might be too. Toni asked if funds are based on student population?  Teri said that it was. 

    Connie motioned to approve the Minutes from the last meeting. Toni seconded.  All were in favor of approval.


    1. Trustland Plan

    Shane has done some revisions and updates, which include the following.

    Goal #1:  Increase graduation rate, starting with 9th graders. Want 95% on track beginning sophomore year. Data shows 9th graders failing over 40% of classes.

    Will fund additional FTE, lower classes sizes, including team taught classes with Sped and ELL.  Will hire a RCK Academy coordinator. Data shows less students failed during 1st tri with RCK academy class. 

    Jessica said she had talked to a parent that has never been on Canvas or Powerschool.  We’ll use our parent liaison (Mari Vasquez) to help with that and our Gear Up person.  Connie said parents need to know they can sign up on Canvas and shadow their kids. Toni suggested that we continue the conversation with North Cache, have them start early.

    Budget includes training all  RCK Academy advisors and supplies.

    StuVention - those 5% of kids involved influence other kids.  We used TSSA money to help with kids.  We’re spending more money than we thought, but has been very valuable so money is budgeted for the Student Success Center. We will fund ½ social worker, other ½ by grant- Janae Sorensen is our Social Worker

    Goal # 2 -  Better meet needs of  ELL students

    We’re on the Targeted list for ELL students. We’ll be making changes with our ELL program.  The District has given more support than ever before.  We’ll find out specifics on measurements.

    With Targeted Student Intervention – we need to meet needs for 3 years consistently. The ELL coordinator, data management have been in place, just funding now with Trustland money.

    The budget includes PLC’s training, ELL Coordinator, additional ELA aides, team taught classes, appropriate level library books, etc.

    This includes working with refuge students as well

    Summer said she would like to see coordination between us and NC with their targeted intervention.  Shane said we should see that because District is taking more direction with it. 

    North Cache is doing a LIA program as well.

    Ruth said she would like a Spanish course for teachers to help her communicate with parents. Kathy said they had experience with some workers that had an App.  Teri asked if Marty could help with it? 


    1. ACT Data -Brady

    The ACT Prep class was longer this year. We need to get more students engaged. There is room for improvement across the year. 

    Shannon said her son went up 1 point after completing the class then did an online course and went up 2 points on the ACT

    Summer said it would be interesting to know how many student athletes participated in the class.  Amanie said not very many engaged in it.

    Teri said it was impressive to move up 2 points average in 2 years.            


    1. Elections/Numbers

    Shannon Hougaard, Cheryl Peck and Sara Nelson-Hallock have students graduating so they will be leaving the committee. Shane suggested that we replace the 3 leaving.   We will send out an email and have members do some recruiting. 

    Melanie suggested on having an ESL parent. We could have Mari send out an email.


    1. Other

    Summer said house bill #61 has some good info for School Safety.  One thing would be to fund a safety coordinator. There is asummer conference about inclusion for educators, and one for parents. Summer will send information.  Would be good for student leadership to attend or even club leaderships, choirs, etc.


    Kathy Christiansen expressed thanks to everyone on committee.  This has been a great committee and a great year.


    Meeting Adjourned- John motioned to end the meeting, Sheri and Shannon  seconded the motion. Meeting adjourned until next fall.