School Community Council Minutes
March 21st, 2023
Present: Shane Jones, Brady Fonnesbeck, Amanie Crosbie, Janine Justis, Kathy Bullen, Connie Rawlins, Ryan Grunig, Ruth Mudrow, Toni Gibbons, Jessica Higginbotham, Sheri Egbert, Melanie Chambers, John Louviere, Summer Gunn,
We were welcomed by John and he called for a motion to approve the Minutes from the last meeting. Sheri motioned to approve and Toni seconded the motion. All were in favor.
Shane reviewed the list of the council members and terms. We have 11 parents that we adjusted the terms on. Next month we may have some nominations.
Shane talked about the School Trustland Plans and has expressed his frustration to the District Administration. We don’t get data back into time to write up Trustland plan so we have been writing a plan without a base plan. Tim was talking to Teri to propose a bill to move it back a month. We will plan on doing an amendment but we’ll give an outline of plan.
Feedback on ACT Prep class: We saw a jump in scores last year - they are back to where we should have been. Teachers had about 13 students in the class. Melanie said her daughter that did the class didn’t do as well as her son who did the Canvas course independently. Sheri said her student had taken it before and thinks the class helped – but need to wait to see the scores. Toni’s response was the same as Sheri’s. Blake Heaton was really good to help the Juniors. Ruth suggested to maybe not pressure kids to do all subjects? She had maybe about 6 kids that really did it. John said his son was beaming after the test – he attributes to the test prep class. We think it was a positive experience and that students felt better prepared. Summer said she wishes her daughter would have continued access to the course to review at a later time. Brady said if they would let him know – they can leave the course open. We might need to do on a case on case basis – or will check with Mary at the District. Jessica said her daughter’s teacher didn’t reach out to her, but she had decided not to do it. Shane reminded everyone that there was no negative impact for not doing it. Summer asked if it was introduced in an assembly and wondered about having it introduced by the teacher. Maybe they would connect better throughout the tri if the teacher started it. Brady said they did meet with teachers 2 days after the assembly. Teachers are supposed to keep a contact log and encouraged them reach out to the students. We have discussed putting teachers with students that they have already. Students in Special Ed get Sped teachers and ELL. Sheri asked why we don’t get scores back quicker on the online test? Janine said someone explained that ACT reviews the questions if all got wrong or not very many got right they throw them out.
A handout with the School Climate Survey results were distributed and discussed. The survey link was sent out via text. John said he was interested in the difference between student and parent perception. Some things we haven’t changed but number increased. Research shows students perception is the easiest to change, then staff, then parents. School safety awareness might make them feel more unsafe. There were incidents last year and have had none this year. Jessica asked if it was it before the bomb threat last year? The school atmosphere hasn’t felt the same as last year-it’s better. Partly is because of the new Administration. Shane said they have discussed addressing the issues when dealing with students. We will do this again next year and will focus on getting it better out to parents.
Shane reviewed construction updates and plans that we are doing. We have extra money this year to do some things that need to be done around the school. The big issue that we have is the parking and we are trying to figure out what to do. The District has realized and are going to help. We are going to set up Commons better so it can be more usable with technology, etc. We have painter that is painting and trying to update everything the same. The bathrooms are another thing that will be addressed. We have changed an art room to Portuguese classroom. We will be doing some changes to the photo lab for video announcements and UDOT will be doing roundabout at the 4 way stop probably this summer. If anyone sees anything else that needs to be addressed, please let us know.
Meeting Adjourned
Next meeting, Tuesday, April 18th, 6:45am