April 2023 Minutes
Mountainside Elementary School Community Council
Monday, April 10, 2023 3:45 PM
Mountainside Library
AgendaWelcome! Daniel Pugmire
In Attendance: Cam Amott, Daniel Pugmire, Nancy Arcos, Teresa Myers, Wendy Osborne, Matthew Garcia, Brittny Amott, Christy Oldham, Cierra Maughan.
Minutes March
Motion to approve: Teresa Myers 2nd : Nancy Arcos Voting: All in favor
Mr. Cam Amott
1. School/PTA Fundraiser Update
Mr. Amott said the Literacy Night fundraiser went great. We reached our goal of $20,000 and the students were able to have their dance party.
2. Trustlands Budget UpdateBudget Allocations
Budget Remaining
ParaPro $43,303
Overall $61,513
$3,489.42 (5.67%)
Trustlands Budget is done for this year.
TSSA Budget Update
Budget Allocations
Budget Remaining
ParaPro $38,828
Overall $77,975.00
$10,479.07 (13.43%)
3. Trustlands Math Goal Update
The goal is to increase that to 86% of students scoring 80% or higher on their end-of-chapter GoMath assessments for the 2022-2023 school year.Currently at 90% of students scoring 80% or higher on their end-of-chapter GoMath assessments. Mr. Amott will share the final report after the last assessment.
4. TSSA Plan for 2023-2024 School yearMountainside TSSA Plan 2023-2024 School Year (Draft)
Goal 1: By May of 2024, Mountainside Elementary School will conduct a student well-being screener in grades K-6 for fall, winter, and spring to assist with identifying students who may benefit from behavioral or social/emotional support from a school counselor.
Budget Amount $18,000 (Part of school counselor’s salary)
Goal 2: Kindergarten: The median progress for typical or above typical growth will be 62% or higher at the Mid-Year Acadience Math assessment. 1-6 Grades:The median progress for typical or above typical growth will be 55% or
higher at the Mid-Year diagnostic on the iReady assessment.
Budget Amount: Three math paraprofessionals $42,000
iReady Software $2,500
Update Teacher Technology $12,500Budget Summary
Staff Salary
Portion of counselor’s salary
Parapro Salary
Funding 3 math aides
MyPath IReady program
Purchase new copy machine and five teacher computers
Total Expenditures
Estimated Distribution
Budget Remaining
Other Concerns/Open Forum
Cierra Maughan shared her concerns regarding snow days and asked if there is an online option. Brittny Amott stated other districts have this option, but it’s only because they have more technology devices available for the students to take home.
Motion to Adjourn: Christy Oldham 2nd: Wendy Osborne Voting: All in favorNext meeting: Council decided this is our last meeting